Inheritors Book 101 : Jo Chaekyung



brokenwings1232 ⋮ 7 days Bella


Well, hello there

Name⇝ Jo Chaekyung


⇝ Chaebol - her friends call her this because of her heir status
⇝ Chapchae - Myungsoo calls her this because she always makes him buy her Chapchae and it's a play on with her name
⇝ Mrs. Myungsoo - Youngdo calls  her this because of her relationship with Myungsoo and the both of them share a last name

Year ⇝ Senior

Birthday⇝ 26/06


Birthplace Seoul, South Korea

Hometown ⇝ Seoul, South Korea


Bloodtype A


Language Spoken

⇝ Korean - fluent
⇝ English - conversational
Chinese - conversational

❝ Catchprase ❞ ⇝ "Ok."






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 First impression is everything, no? 


Park Sooyeon

Back Up Faceclaim

Kim Sooyeon


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 Hood's on, hood's off 〕


⇝ (overall aspect) Chaekyung is the one who lives up her title to an heiress. She's the girl who takes all the management classes she can. Her grades follow Chanyoung's closely, her being number two always. She strives to be the best and to be the top of the school. She's always deteremed and goes through everything head first. Her family means everything to her, for she tries her best to succeed. It's not because her parents want her to, but it's what she thinks is her duty. Being the oldest child out of the three Jo siblings, she is pressured with being the perfect first born child.  She walks down the hall with her head held high, full of confidence and showing off her family wealth. With an overall serene look, her high and mighty appearance tends to scare other students or make her come off as a .

⇝ (first lookIf you were to ask other students about Chaekyung, they wouldn't have much to say about her other than she's smart. She's very focused on school and business, so she doesn't pay much attention to the other students. Not many people truly know what she's like other than her cold demeanor. Honestly, Chae doesn't choose to be so anti-social, it's just in her nature. She's awkward around people and that's all there is to it. Hot headed and short tempered, her personality really doesn't help her with her social life. When people speak to her, she often replies with a simple 'ok', for she doesn't know what else to say. 

⇝ (digging deeperWhen it comes to the people she cares about, she's nothing like she usually is. She smiles brightly and laughs often, although she still doesn't say much. She's still not really sure what to say, so she watches her friends and reacts to their silly acts. Even then, she still seems like a different person. The aura around her turns warmer and she doesn't seem scary as usual. Towards her dongsaengs, she's very overprotective and can be annoying. She always makes sure that they go to their management classes and that they are doing well in school. Overall, Chaekyung is just your cliche, misunderstood heiress who just wants to survive in this reality. There's really nothing more to her.

❝ Hobbies ❞

⇝ (fencing) - she started when she turned seven and it is now her stress reliever
⇝ (reading) - she spends most of her time studying, so reading just grew onto her
⇝ (cleaning) - unlike most people her age, she loves to clean 


❝ Likes ❞

⇝ (black) - it's her number one favorite color
⇝ (staying up late) - she's just a night owl
⇝ (beef) - her favorite thing to eat is beef

⇝ (roses) - although she doesn't seem like it, she loves romantic things like roses
⇝ (neat & tidiness) - three letters, o.c.d.
⇝ (
chapchae) - a close second to beef
⇝ (lotion) - she naturally has dry skin, so she has done a lot of research on which types of lotion are the best (she secretly keeps a collection of different lotions)


❝ Dislikes ❞

⇝ (crowded areas) - she enjoys being secluded
⇝ (bugs) - pretty self explanatory
⇝ (
loud noises) - her ears are sensitive, so loud noises annoy her
⇝ (cold) - other than cold drinks and ice cream, she doesn't really anything cold
⇝ (
being bored) - she has to be doing something always
⇝ (hair cuts) - her hair keeps her warm, so she hates cutting (she's in love with her hair)


❝ Habits ❞

⇝ (drooling) - she breathes through , so when she sleeps, she drools like a lot
⇝ (burning herself) - although she's been cooking since forever, she's constantly getting burnt
⇝ (waking up in the middle of the night) - often, she wakes up at around five am to drink water



⇝ She's a light sleeper
⇝ When she accomplishes something, she calls Myungsoo to buy her chapchae
⇝ She's really bad at baking 
⇝ Her hands are always warm
⇝ Fencing is the only sport she does well at
⇝ She's terrible at drinking



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 Oh. 〕


⇝ Chaekyung was born with the title of M&S Group's future President. Her parents gave birth to her at a rather old age, making them think that they weren' going to give birth to anymore children. They started her career before she was even born. Her future was already planned for her. The day she turned seven, she started taking her management lessons. When she was around nine, her parents surprised her with the news of two new baby brothers. She was really mad since she was scared of losing her position as president. and refused to take her lessons. Eventually, something in her mind clicked and she realized what she was doing was wrong. Ever since then, she was serious about her future career.


⇝ Father ⇝ Jo Minseok ⇝ 52⇝ Chairman of M&S ⇝ Noble, sharp, open-minded, proud ⇝ Chaekyung had never been close to her father. He's a very busy man, always at work, but he still asks her about how she's doing and how her day at school was. Chaekyung actually likes her father more than her mother, because no matter how busy he is, he always makes sure that she knows how much he cares.

⇝ Mother ⇝ Lee Suhee ⇝ 50 ⇝ Chairwoman of M&S ⇝ Bold, sarcastic, motivated ⇝ It's obvious Suhee's favorite child is Chaekyung. She's very biased towards her. Chaekyung often thinks that she's like this because she's the future president. Chaekyung likes to take care of her mother the most though. She likes to buy clothes for her and cook for her.

⇝ Younger Brother ⇝ Jo Heekyung ⇝ 9 ⇝ Student ⇝ Immature, feisty, stubborn, responsible ⇝ Chaekyung cares much for Minkyung. Although she hated the idea of having a little brother at first, she grew onto him. Heekyung is the more wild twin brother, therefore his personality clashes with Chaekyung's a lot.

⇝ Younger Brother ⇝ Jo Sikyung⇝ 9 ⇝ Student ⇝ Awkward, cry-baby, reserved ⇝ In the Jo house, you'll usually hear the constant calls for "Chae-Noona". He's very clingy and attached to her. Chaekyung is definitely closer to Sikyung because of that.



❝ Acquaintances/Friends ❞

⇝ Han Chongin ⇝ 21 ⇝ Worker at Mango Smoothies and College Student ⇝ Quiet, good listener, humorous ⇝ Chaekyung often goes to Mango Smoothies, therefore she grew to know Chongin. When she goes, he usually pays for her drinks and he takes care of her as his own sister since he doesn't have one.



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 Hi, partner. 〕

Name⇝ Jo Myungsoo



⇝ Myungsoo is adorable. He really is. He is the only idiot in school that could ever cling on Chaekyung and not fall off. He loves to party and is full of aegyo. Myungsoo listens well and never fails to ease someone's pain and release their stress. Although he doesn't show it, he hates his life. He throws himself into alcohol and clubs to get his mind off of everything. The fact that he's an heir completely annoys him. Being a lawyer is not what he wants to do, he doesn't even know what he wants to do with his life. He pushes away his problems and troubled thoughts and tries to forget everything. Like a dog, Myungsoo is very loyal towards his friends and tries to protect him the best he can.  No one really takes the time to look pass his happy facade. Just like Chaekyung, he's another one of the misunderstood. 


⇝ Although Myungsoo has pestered her since the first grade, the beginning of the Jo couple started when Myungsoo drank just a little bit too much one night. He was walking home from the bar when Chaekyung's driver nearly ran into him. Since she's seen him since they were young, she immediately took him to the hospital. The whole ride there and the night she spent with him, he cried and complained about his family. Chaekyung realized how much he was going through and thought of him differently. She hated him in the past, thinking he was just a party animal, but when she heard his story, she saw him as someone brave. Myungsoo liked her for one reason at first. When he opened his eyes with a raging headache the neck morning, he saw the beautiful face of Jo Chaekyung. She was pretty. He liked her for her looks.

After that day, he clung onto her like a wet bathing suit. She attempted shaking him off, but nothing she tried worked. It didn't take long for him to fall for her. It started when he bought her steak after getting first place in the shool. She started to call him to buy her food more often and eventually, she fell for him. He talks a lot and she listens to him well. Myungsoo doesn't know much about Chaekyung's true feelings, but they work out just fine. 


⇝ Myungsoo is younger than Chaekyung, but he always makes her call him Oppa.
⇝ Although Myungsoo bothers her a lot, Chaekyung doesn't find him annoying.
⇝ Both sides of parents love the fact that they're in a relationship.
⇝ Myungsoo is younger than Chaekyung, but he always makes her call him Oppa.
⇝ Myungsoo was very not happy when he first met Chongin. He hates him with a strong, strong passion.




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So what do you do? 〕

Company Name ❞ ⇝ M&S 


Type of Business ❞ ⇝ Company


Your position⇝ future president


Others ❞ 

⇝ M&S is like Jeguk Group, but much smaller

⇝ They own a music company, mall, and a spa

⇝ Chaekyung is to be the overall owner of M&S in the future


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 It's a pleasure doing business with you.  〕

Scene requests ❞ 

⇝ Myungsoo going to Mango Smoothie to interrogate Chongin.

⇝ Myungsoo dragging Chaekyung to a club.

Comments ❞

⇝ Sorry my application is so cheesy LOL. I hope Chae isn't hard to work with... I really like this idea. The Heirs was my life and Hyungsik is my bias xD



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♛  Inheritors Book 101 ♛ 









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This is my fault but there shouldnt be a backup love interest ^^"" just remove that and you'll be ready to go