Kakao Talk

Who here has a Kakao?


I just got mine back and I want to talk to some of my friends that are out there! Wanna search me up?


look me up at adrianna97 


Let me know if u added me and what ur name is on there!


Saranghae <3


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I will add you when I get my new phone :3
Cause my iPod keeps telling me there's no space to download apps but i only have 3 on it o:
Well, I will tell u~~ xD
Imma add u im Nooshie there
My Id is HanSoori, obviously me hehe
I have a kakaotalk,kik, and voxer
I just added u
Golden-Teacup #5
Oh, I don't have one.. :/ lol but do you have Voxx?