Totally Didn't Steal This From Tumblr e u e

Pick your top 10 ships without reading the questions.

1. Eunhae
2. Kyumin
3. 2min
4. Jongkey
5. Kyuteuk
6. Onho
7. Doctor/Master (don't kill me e u e;)
8. Jongyu
9. Minkey
10. Rory/Amy (Again, don't kill me please. o u o;)

P.S. - I didn't put mine in any particular order. XD Also, I have way more that won't fit on this list! 


1. Do you remember the first episode/scene/chapter/whatever that you started shipping 6?

  Yes, I was jsut browing tumblr when I came across the Onho tag. XD So I typed it in the search bar and I couldn NOT stop looking at all the fics and fanart for it. :P THen I just kinda fell in love with it. e u e

2. Have you ever read fanfiction about 2?

  Well of course. o u o Why wouldn't I?

3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr?

  Sadly, no, because I get no privacy in this house! o u o; That's why I jstu look 'em up on tumblr a lot. XD

4. If 7 were to suddenly break-up today, what would your reaction be?

  *dies* I can't imagine. It would be TOO HORRIBLE! ;~; The Doctor and The Master just can't do that because they're practically the only ones of their kind left and they love each other. O.O STEVEN MOFFAT EVEN SAYS SO.

5. Why is 1 so important?

  First OTP ever. That's why. e u e Besides, with Eunhae, the fanfiction possibilities are endless!

6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship?

  It's both actually. I don't read Minkey that much but when I do, I like it. :3

7. Out of all the ships listed, which ship has the strongest?

  Now, I know you're going to kill me, but I have to go with Doctor/Master. O.O Before you go saying while all the others have more, listen to me! These two Timelords have known each other for over a MILLENIA. A MILLENIA FOR PETE'S SAKE! Somehow, even though the Master is litterally completely and utterly insane, tortured the Doctor, killed more than half of Earth's population, killed the Doctor once or twice, and a bunch of other horrible , THEY ONLY HAVE EACH OTHER. And, the Doctor forgives him for everything! ;-; That my friends, is true love right there. Therefore, it has to be Doctor/Master.

8. Out of all the ships listed, which one has the most chemistry?

  Eunhae. Any argument you now posses is invalid. e u e

9. How many times have you read/watched 10's fandom?

  Over 10 times already. O.O And I won't stop. Rory and Amy are in one of my favorite Doctor Who series and always will be.

10. Which ship has lasted the longest?

  Doctor/Master. :P Or Eunhae. XD I can't decide. Doctor/Master probably though. I mean come one! A MILLENIA!

11. How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up?

  Never. :P Never ever for never ever never ever never never ever for ever ever never.

12. If the world was suddenly into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8?

  Honestly, in my opinion it would be Kyumin. I mean, come on! e u e Sungmin knows martial arts to kick those zombie's asses and Kyuhyun knows strategy from playing video games all the time! ^o^ Oh, ho, ho. I see we have a clear winner. T^T Sorry 8~

13. Did 7 ever hide their relationship for any reason?

  Yes. ^o^ Because I don't think Rassilon approves of gay marriage and the every one of the Doctor's companion's hearts would breah. >:D

14. Is 4 still together?

  Always. Forever and always. Always will be FOREVER and ALWAYS.

15. Is 10 canon?

  I don't actually know what canon mean but let's go with yes. ^-^ I mean, they're married in the show and everything.

16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple's Hunger Games, which couple would win?

  Well obviously we have some clashings with what some of my parings being with the same people. e u e But since we've got Doctor/Master thrown into the mix, we can just call all those SHINee and SuJu doubles the same person from a different time, or the same people from an alternate universe, or something else. :P And since the Doctor doesn't like killing things he would find a way to retrieve his TARDIS, get everyone out of the games, and destroy the capitol before taking everyone on a sweet honeymoon to another galaxy before returning them home so he doesn't start another paradox. ^-^ Easy as pie. (You probably didn't understand a word I said unless you watch Doctor Who.) Everyone would win! 

17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5's ship?

  Probably Min or Won in ay of the fics I've read. :P Other than that, no. ^-^ (Or Kangin.)

18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond?

  All of them, they're too precious. e u e *cough*ifIhadtochoosethoughitwouldbedoctor/masternodoubtaboutit*cough* Imeanwut? 

19. Do you spend hours a day going through 3's tumblr page?

  Sometimes when I'm having 2min feels. e u e It depends on which days which pairings I'm stalking. ^o^

20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she'd break them all forever, which ship would you sink?

  I'd kill the and laugh at her. "The only ship going down here is yours witch." >:D BUT, if I HAD to choose since I couldn't kill her, it'd be MinKey. :P Sorry~


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