Welcome 16 goodbye 15

sobss late post hahaha yeah i already turn 16 sobs goodbye 15.... T_T i already turn old sobs hahaha so emotional lol.... yeah my birthday is on 27th of January 13 days after Kai birthday hahah im born in kaisoo month yeahh but the sad one is i never found somebody have sama birthday as me yet /whatsadlifeu/


one more thing this year i celebrate my birthday alone without my family sobss because my parent busy working and live at hostel k2 whatever lol

although i have friends its kinda annoying they not sincere friends with me gosh i really felt unfair abt my life what sin have i commit to them im just a plain girl like kpop and happy like it but some people bash me bcause i like it... okay Whatever... T_T


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omo belated happy bday!
*throws unicorn rainbows*
Happy Birthday ^^ Our birthdays are only two days apart ^^
I hope you had a great day but don't let other people get
under your skin, they just jealous you have something in
your life that you love. ^^
Well then, even though it's a little late. Happy Birthday :D Make this year the best one yet
Palabra_viva #4
Wah~ happy birthday~!
And I found a woman once that shared my birthday and I'm born in Lay month! And most if not all KPOP fans get bashed for liking it but whatever you people are missing out on gloriousness~!
Oh my, Happy Birthday chingu-yah!
I'm sure good times will come later on :)
Remember, there's always a beautiful rainbow after every storm!
akahashi #6
Happy birthday. ^^
Wish the best always..
And always make good stories..
belated happy birthday btw! C;
im turning 16 the day after the valentines c: sfsdgvd
Happy Birthday! Woah! If you're old then Kaisoo is what? Hahaha. Anyway some people are just like that.. There are tons more like that out there.