Mujaku Academy - Jung Soohyun



Show Time!,

I am Jung Soohyun aka Soo.

username: Suau147 | nickname: Rita | Activeness: 8-9


Say It


Character Name: Jung Soohyun

Other Names: Amano Ichigo

Nicknames: Soo- all the gang members call her that because is a shorter way to say her name

Birthday: December 18th, 1997

Age: 16

Birthplace: Osaka, Japan

Hometown: Seul, South Korean

Ethnicity: korean- japanese

Languages: Korean- fluent; Japanese- dialect; English- fluent

Height: 168cm

Weight: 53

Blood type: A+








Face claim: Byeon Seo Eun

Back-Up Face Claim: Lee Dasom


Bad But Good

Personality: Soohyun has kind of a double personality. 

The unreachable girl
This is the side of her that she shows to everyone.  Everyone knows her for always getting what she wants no matter what. And that is exactly what she wants. She makes sure that everyone knows who she is and that she can have everything that she wants, not just because she is rich but also she can be very persuasive. She is kind of that type of girl that every guy wants but no one can have. She acts indifferent to everyone that she thinks that they don't deserve her attention, and when some boy has the courage the make a confession (that usually happens to the transfered guys that don't know her reputation yet) she makes sure that everyone knows that he was rejected. She is proud to have the reputation of the unreachable girl. The fact is that guys like her for that and girls admire her for that too, you know that saying, you onlu want what you can't have. 


The cute and good girl
She only shows this side of her to the ones that are close to her. Behind that reputation that she has, there is a girl that can be very cute and understanding, that shows that she cares about what happens to the ones that she loves and that helps them whenever they need. She actually shows that she worries about what happens to the others, but she is to afraid to lose her reputation and people stop liking her, that only the ones that she really cares about know this side of her.

- Black Chocolate
- Vanilla Ice Cream
- Strawberry
- Music
- Drama
- Stars
- Fashion
- Voleiball
- Bandminton
- Books
- Tea

- Heights
- Dark places
- Being alone
- Anything that tastes like coffee
- Insects
- Kiwi
- Dark green
- Cold weather
- Soccer
- Swimming  

- Playing guitar
- Playing voleiball
- Playing bandminton
- Dancing

- Sleeping with at least on light on
- Calling her oppa at least once before go to bed
- Go shopping to relieve her stress
- Drink tea at 5 o'clock
- Bitting her lips when she's nervous
- Playing with her hair when she's bored
- She crosses her arms when she's lying
- Whisteling when she has a song on her head


- She has already been in fashion shows as model
- Her favourite colour is orange
- People think that she has a brother complex with her own brother
- She's really good when it comes to play guitar and bass
- She likes to do clothes design.
- She has her own fashion blog.
- She has a cat named Kira: 1|
- Her fave number is 1, 4 and 7.
- Her fave flowers are tulips.
- She has a big collection of high heels and acessories.


Ain't Nobody Can Tell Me What To Do

She was born in the middle of a very wealthy and disfuncional family. Since she can remember, her parents have always fought and when she was arround 8 years old her parents divorced. Besides that, she had to deal with the fact that she had to live in two places after her parents divorced. It wasn't easy for her to deal with that and with the fact that her parents couldn't have a normal conversation without insulting and nagging each other. And that help the fact that she acts as a cold girl. Her only luck was having her oppa always there with her, going through the same things has her. As both of her parents wanted to be the favourite one they would give her anything that she asked, except what she really wanted, their attention and their love. As the time went by, she got used to the way that she lived, until one day, to test how much her parents cared, she asked her parents to put her in a school known by the gangs that were there, and when her parents said yes she completly lost her hope in her arents, and caring about nothing she went to that school, Mujaku Academy.

Father | Jung Taewoon | 50 | President of a design company | Personality* | Interactions*
Mother |Baek Jin Hye | 48 | Neurosurgeon | Personality* | Interactions*
Brother | Jung Daehyun | 18 | Student |Understanding and supportive | They get along very well and they hang out a lot too

Best friends: 
Park Chanyeol | 17 | Student/ member of Pink Shark | Personality* | Interactions*

Lee Hi|student/Pink Shark


Shut It


Rival: Im Yoona

Personality: Anoying, makes herself look like an angel, nerd like girl, egocentric

How you interact: They don't interact with each other much, but Yoona is always waiting for an opportunity to take Soohyun down, and that hasn't worked yet, which makes Yoona even more angry and wanting to take Soohyun down even more. Soohyun just makes herself cautious, for Yoona not catch her out of guard.

Reason for rivalry: Yoona, just like Soohyun, wants to be loved by everyone, but unlike Soohyun she doesn't get what she wants, so she hates her for that. 

Back-up: Jung Eunji



You and I are meant to be...right?

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Love Interest: Bang Cheol Yong aka Mir

Age: 17

Majors: Rap, Acting

Status Quo: Member of Skull Bullet

He is the kind of guy you don't want to piss off. He is cold and bold and he doesn't fear anything, so you better not be in is way, or else...
Besides that face that he shows to everyone, deep in his heart he cares about people and he hates seeing people being mistreated. He is cute and he actually likes to help people, althought when he does help people he makes it look like it was a coincidence. 

How you met: As they have one major in common, they are in the same class, so they first meet in the class, but they actually start to know each other when Mir made a confession to her, in the year that he transfered to the school, and was rejected as many others before.

How you interact: After being rejected by Soohyun, Mir started acting cold and mean, and as he was really good at marcial arts, and actually kind of intimidating, he was acepted by the Skull Bullet gang, and after that they actually started to see each other more often. Besides the rivalry betwen the gans and they acting cols towards each other, Mir never lost is interest in Soohyun, and Soohyun actually started to gain interest in him, and without they noticing, they started to get jealous when they saw the other being friendly with someone of the opposite , till they strated some kind of competion to see who would make the other more piss off.

Back-up: Thunder


Love Rival: Park Chanyeol

Age: 17

Personality: He is a cute looking guy, that gets everything that he wants from girls just with his charm. He's kind of manipulative, and he makes sure that he gets what he wants. With his friends, he is caring, funny, a gentleman and he will protect them with everything that he has. Like Soohyun, he is known as an unreachable person, because, althought all the girls want him, no one can have him.

How you met: They have known each other since Soohyun started to live in two places after her parents divorce, because he lived in the same neighborhood that her mother moved in.

How you interact: Knowing each other for so long, they already know how the other really is and they don't keep secrets from each other, besides that everyone at the academy consider them as a couple, althought everyone knows that in reallity they aren't one, but as they are in the same gang, being  always toghether, and they are very friendly with one another, people just see them like that.

Why is he your love rival?: Because of his closeness to Soohyun, Mir gets all jealous, and as he doesn't know that they are childhood friends, he asks himself why she doesn't do the samething with Chanyeol that she did with him, rejected him, and starts to ask himself whats the difference betwen them.

Back up: Xiumin


Someone Like You

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Majors: Dance and Acting

Gang: Pink Shark, as leader.

Favourite Subject: Dance and Theater

Less Favourite Subject: Chemistry and Maths

Club: She is part of the acting club as a normal member.



And finally...

Comments/Suggestions: I love the idea for the fic. Hope you guys like the character ^.^ Just one thing, english is not my first language so I apologize

Scene Requests: 
- Soohyun has hurt herself while practicing alone, and besides not having her cell with her she can't walk so she just stays on the floor until someone comes into the room and takes her in his arms and gets her to the school infirmary. Supriesed Soohyun can't react, only saying "Thank you... Mir".

Password: Matsui Rena. Acts as Amakuchi , Chuukara or Gekikara.





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