Whadup guys. 

So.. It's been like a year? Wow. A million ice-cream scoops will never be enough to ask for your forgiveness. School and other s has been so distracting, I lost pretty much a lot of my motivation to write T-T


BUT I have been brainstorming for some fics and to continue MOL.


BUT I need your help! My lovely friends and subscribers hehe. 


Drop me some prompts for a one-shot! I'm thinking more on exo pairings since I'm into them lately? Big Bang is fine too. Honestly I'll pretty much write any pairing.


PROMPTS PLS (I don't mind ty ones; in fact I'll be more than happy) 


PROMPTS PROMPTS PROMPTS I need to get my motivation back on track! 


I love you guys ok. Thanks u lil s


HEHEEHEH /throws Hearts/



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