I want your opinion

What would you guys think of A Kriszy fic? (KrisxSuzy)
I have been thinking about this for quite some time now but I just want a confirmation.
If I did write a Kriszy fic would you be interested?
If you were wondering what inspired me to write a Kriszy fic (I usually don't like idol pairings)
I was inspired from a rp I'm in...I'm Suzy and I am married to Kris with a son ^^ 
And everything that I have done in that rp makes me feel the need to write about it
Just to see how everyone will think of it
So Please comment, Your feedback will help A lot

,BlasianAegyo (I might change my username to StaleSushi) 

Bai Bai 


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Wow XD my relationship only lasted a week or 2