//opening a poster shop? ouo

Woot woot, first blog post! ouo

To be honest, I really enjoy making posters... or just design stuff in general. I make posters to stories I never make mehehe.

So, there, I'm thinking of opening my services to others. But since I'm new to this, here are my rules requirements:

- must include at least one Infinite characters

- I'll only make posters for stories that still have no posters of their own

- since I'm a newbie, I'll also just do it for a newbie too. I'll only work on stories created this year (2014)


Do comment if you're interested!

( made it a blog post first since I'm still unsure whether I'll really open a official 'shop' )

My shop will be called Namu Namu just because!

Mehehehe OuO


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Good luck! ^^