

In this blog post I would like to assess my anonymity. I would like to clarify a few things around it and answer questions you may have. I’m putting it into a blog because that way everyone can access it easily.

               How did you come to publish your stories?
About two years ago the thought of publishing my stories anonymously first crossed my mind. Up until then I had only written stories for myself and occasionally let one of my friends read them. Mainly because I assumed they weren’t good enough. Of course, friends are biased so they always told me my stories were good.
Slowly but surely I began to wonder if my stories really were “good”. But taking a plunge and posting my stories is scary if a little voice in the back of your head keeps saying your stories aren’t good at all.
When I signed up here it wasn’t my plan to upload, I was only going to read stories. After about a month I finally dared to upload the first story, curious to see what the unbiased reactions were going to be. To me the response was overwhelming. I mean, no stranger ever read my stories before, so it was scary and exciting all at the same time to watch the subscriber rate go up.

               Why do you choose to be anonymous?
People I see in my daily life aren’t very accepting of me being a fan. They don’t understand why a person at my age (22 y/o Korean age) would be a fan of anything. I quickly realized that if I were to use the username I always use, or if I would reveal my real name, people would find me here easily. Accidental or not. I feel uncomfortable enough being around people who aren’t accepting of my passion. Them finding out about my stories wouldn’t make it any easier.
Also I don’t want my readers to know personal details about me, because I feel like that influences my stories. I want every reader to imagine themselves in that story and I don’t want the image of me to come up when the read how their bias undresses the OC. And it’s also fun to ask people what they think I look like hahaha!
Last but not least – and this may sound vague – I know people who would take offense in the material I write. So by publishing my stories I know I’m taking a risk of them finding out, while I sincerely don’t mean to offend anyone. To lower the chances of them knowing, I remain anonymous.
For these reasons I hope you can respect and understand my decision. I’m sure you all know people around you who really shouldn’t find out that you’re reading about your beloved idols, right?

               Is everything you say fake?
No matter how anonymous I want to be, my personality can’t be faked. I’m a naturally caring and polite person and I never planned to fake my love and gratitude for my readers. If I would be publishing under my real name, my profile would still look like this and the things I say would still be like they are now. Please don’t think that everything I say isn’t true because I’m using a different name! I do exaggerate some things that I usually hide, mostly to mislead the people who accidentally find my account.

               What name should I call you?
You can call me Dubyuli! I didn’t make that name for no reason and it does have connections with my life, so calling me Dubyuli is just like you’re calling me by my actual name.

               What can / can’t we ask you?
You can ask me anything! I will refer from telling you about my name, my birthday, my nationality, my current living area, my school and my family. It sounds like a lot, I know that. But don’t be afraid to just ask anything. I’ll let you know if I can or can’t answer specifically. So if you have any questions, ask away! I'll reply, I promise.


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nananeko #1
when is your birthday and what is your real name ? i'm so curious ~ *shinee