Poetry blog 1

Title: Me

Names ringing in my ear
all day long, 
until I reach the safe haven deemed as home
but it doesn't stop there
even all night
there's a sound echoing in my mind
I can't even look at the mirror
If this was the undeniable truth
I would rather run away in lies
No one would understand...
Is what I thought
but He pulled me out of the pit of despair
showed me every rainbow after the rain
and opened the clam revealing a pearl
With a polished set of glasses
I saw everything in full color
even myself...
The cookies started to crumble within the jar
and they revealed a brighter me,
a different me, clear and vivdly shining.
Instead of plain dough
I was a sweet chocolate chip
and delightful sprinkle in the midst of soft frosting
I... never felt so electrified in joy
I saw that the girl in the mirror
although called by many names
was only ever one-
and that is beautiful 
I don't know if other people understand
maybe I'm the only who does.
But I do think that everyone deserves to know
that they were fearfully and wonderfully made
Whether they choose to believe it or not.


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Ankzara17 #1
Wow! This poem is very deep and it's very nice.