사랑이라고 이건



I want to make a place by her side,
always by her side, not as a friend, but as a man.

I’ll hold her in my arms and tell her I’ll protect her from sadness.



I've never been good enough in their eyes. At least, that's what their reaction is telling me.
I'm just me. You know, the pretty girl's friend. The boring girl. The average one.
Yeah. Maybe that's why.

It's nice, you know. To have that special someone whom you can lean on to. 
I want that special someone.
You know, someone who loves me for me.

I get lonely sometimes and I can't help to wonder how would it feel like to be cuddled by the man that your heart beats for.

It's rather disappointing that the guys in my class, or rather majority of the guys in school, are into girls with looks.
Not that I don't have them. I think I'm decent looking but... I think I'm just not that attractive enough. 
Oh wells.


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LilShineeAngel4501 #1
Dont feel lonely~ know that alot of people have felt this way before~ There is someone out there who will only look at you~ fighting~ <3
oh no! you can't think like that! it's the inner beauty that shines and if you believe yoursel lower than your friends then the guys won't see the true you! you have to believe in yourself and besides, like the comment before, there are plenty of fish in the sea and i believe true love is out there, and when it happens, he won't be able to look at any other girl. XD
don't worry too much and just believe in yourself yeah? ^_^
I"m in the same situation, but you know what? Look to the bright side. There are plenty of fish in the sea, and when you grow up, the range will broaden. Also, you'll find a lot more mature and better guys out there when you're older, versus these little pip squeaks in school. Don't worry ^^ Hwaiting!
looks gets old with time...but true beauty, inner beauty lasts a lifetime. at least, that's what i believe...and think. ^_^
ik exactly how you feel. all my friends are so gorgeous and its always them that get catches the guys eyes. i used to feel so jealous of them. but when i started liking this guy they started getting jealous of ME because he was super cute and because of the way we act like kids. i also sometimes wish guys in my class would be attracted to me because you know they always say i like natural girls but if a girl with makeup and a tight outfit walks by and then the other girl with no makeup with normal clothes obviously the girl with makeup will catch their eye. i think your attractive enough to get a guy with your strong personality. you just need to show them who you are. trust me. being yourself always works. dont even bother trying to put makeup or dressing up beacause guys wont notice until the end. (trust me been there done that -_-.) i hope you wont be too hung over abt it. i was feeling the same thing a while ago but i had my friends to back me up and help me through it! im always here to talk!! <3