Kind Of Liking This Guy?

Well idk who read my last blog post about my "So call best friend" Well i write something that my last crush was taking by her. Well i try hard to forget but is dificult because his always around and well you know. But now i think i'm forgeting him. Well NOW there is this GUY. His my friend. He does't talk to much idk why? But i guest is because his shy. Well i always that he should talk XD and he always sai "Hi" and i was like "Just HI?, you should make a sentence and talk more" i always and he smile like that smile that girls always dies or something like that. And he always answer me "Hi how are you?" and we always end laughing at each others teasing. But idk... I mean i really don't know. Well he alwyas make me smile when i'm always down. He is like a good person to me. But should i grown feelings for him? I really don't knpw what to do.


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