Oml, that was honestly a super long hiatus! Some updates (if you lovelies care to read them if not just skip the next two para to get to the supposedly-good parts! Keke.)

Well, since I left, I got into college! Am currently a film student, working for a diploma for Film, Sound and Video. Welp, I pretty much want to get into the media industry and all. So yeah! I joined a dance club initially, I really like dancing, but I've got other commitments (which , cause i like dancing) but will continue to dance my way to happiness (when i have time) (which is almost never) (damn). And I've gotten myself a job! (after interview and all omg I am so proud of myself aren't you)

And, well, I've developed this really horrible thing: heavy procrastination. So like, I realise this is very bad, and I'm trying hard to kick the habit and all cause it actually does destroy your live, making you not have time to do what you WANT to do because all your time (what's left after procrastinating urgh) will be spent doing half- jobs of completing assignments and , which are what you NEED to do. And then you get sick from all the stress (*sniffles*, *coughs* I'm unwell ;w;) So like. Yeah. No time for good stuff. You should always have good stuff okay don't be like me and learn, people, learn! 

Anyways! I'M BACK! Kekeke. I haven't really been gone during my hiatus in it's entirety. I actually do log in sometimes, and receive all those lovely lovely comments you guys leave (thank you so much, you guys don't know how much it helped me through my dark I'm-worthless-and-can-do-nothing period when I just started college), which makes me feel guilty cause I'm not updating my stuff. BUT THE GOOD PART OF THIS LOOOOOOONG AND NAGGY POST IS THAT: I'M (finally I know I'm sorry) UPDATING! 

Currently updating "Saengilchukahamnida, Taemin." (<- It's linked, go read it, please? x3) It'll be the last chapter for that short story, an alternative ending an- Welp, I don't want to spoil it for you ;P Go read it, ne? cx 

Hopefully, I'll start updating regularly! And it'll be quality updates too (I realise my stories are messy...) I hope. Keke. Well, look forward, ne? x3 Oh, while I was gone, I haven't been really in touch with the Kpop community... so like, my biases, and culture, and stuff are kinda... old. I'm reaaaaallly sorry about this, but if you guys notice anything weird and out of place in any of my upcoming updates and (hopefully) series, do kindly inform me, okay? I'll get myself up to date as fast as I can! (AND DO INTRODUCE ME TO THE NEW BANDS. I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA OML MUCH GUILTY SUCH SAD VERY CRY.) 

And yes, talk to me, ne? x3 I get lonely here sometimes, and would really love some company <3 Leave a comment if there's any of my ~shots that you want me to update first!~ It'll be on a inspiration kinda thing, but do tell me! Keke.

To a more promising year.


Much loves, Very heart, 



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