My Computer Hates Me

Okay I have been so frustrated because usually I do updates on my brothers laptop or my family computer but since my brothers laptop had 47 VIRUSES!!!!!!! I can no longer use it. And our computer is being a brat and refuses to connect to our new WiFi, we just moved so we have a new WiFi and cable thing, I can't upload on that either!!!! THANK GOD I HAVE MY TABLET!!!! Even though I has auto correct, WHICH I HATE, and doesn't function properly all the time. I've been literally considering just throwing it on the floor CAUSE it repeatedly deletes what I just wrote just as I'm about to post it or while I'm writing it. I've been ignoring it and trying to upload at least one story a day but it deleted FIVE uploads on me today. I tried redoing one three times and once for the other two. Not to mention I'm sick so I'm already in a pissy mood. My tablet right now is actually working so I'll see if I'll update tonight. Leave comments down below on what story you want me to update tonight cause I'll probably only do one. Sorry if I sound like a little brat this is just to explain if I suddenly stop uploading(probably because I threw my tablet in the trash). Thanks for reading!!!! Lots of love my bunnies xoxo


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