Poster Perfect } Graphic Contest +my entries

So I'm making graphics for more contests now and I feel this has helped me a lot in starting photoshop again. Earlier, I just used to keep it open and do other stuff like watch dramas. Literally ignoring it hah. But I'm glad these contests give me an incentive to work again. My graphics that I have entered are so terrible I don't even wanna post them here but I guess these would make me improve all the same if I know exactly how much better I could be.

Also, I would recommend this to other designers who are struggling like me for a lack of ideas. The best thing you could do is to look at the artwork of other really amazing designers. Character placements, stocks used, etc are those little things you notice in a poster that would really help broaden your perspective. There are so many photoshop blogs on tumblr, all you need to do is explore the 'tutorial' tag and bam! there are all those things you need and more. Apart from these, there are graphic forums scattered all over the internet like shadowplay etc that are full of designers who make literally jaw-dropping graphics. Try it! :D


The contest I'm sumitting an entry for is this one:



Here's the crap  what I created:

and this:


well i'm really confused for my third one but i finally decided on this:



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