Letter to SNSD

#sone #SNSD #GG 

Letter to SNSD

Aside from our love and loyalty to you, we're giving you the feeling of assurance (thanks WaoWao Woods for the kind of prompt lol), safety and consistency.

ASSURANCE. Yesterday, today and tomorrow, there will be Sones, us, raising our pink saber lights, cheering you on, singing along your songs

SAFETY. The place for you is the stage, the airport, the red carpet but there's no other place I want you to be than at home, sleeping. Kekeke. Wherever you are, as long as Sones are there, you are safe.

CONSISTENCY. Even without label as Sones, what's important is giving you the consistency that tomorrow, we're still going to be here, not feeling differently. Still with you. Still as crazy as the first fall when we stepped heart into this fandom. 

Someday, these will all be gone. Saving your photos every night. Downloading subbed cuts of your pretty face even if it's only less than a minute clip. Streaming your drama because you're too adorable when you act. Supporting different projects to make you feel our presence. Tweeting about your gorgeous face and butts and S-line and hair and nose and even just your mdfq toes, about your everything. Spazzing. OTPs. Photobooks. gifs. Changing DP in Twitter, SSF, Tumblr, etc. 

Even if we never get the chance to talk to you or touch you, you have each other to do that and be brave together. Because together Sones and SNSD are one! Hehehe seriously, it's enough for us to know that you are hugged by your members, friends and families and of course God. The hugs of Sones were not yet around before you made it. It's your family. Friends. Staff. SM ENT. Hehe. God.

We Sones are just second to who loves you the most. First is God. 

Even if the crowd leaves, we'd stay for you. Even if you don't become who we thought you are and you end up with someone we don't like or we don't know personally, we'll be here waiting for you to smile because that smile will make us calm and trust you and the choices you make. No, we won't be ashamed of you if you chose to bow out and walk away from the light to start living a normal life and start a family.

We accept that you're just human. Can get derpy sometimes. Can make mistakes. but who cares? That's why we're still here. To collect more of your derpy shots and cry over them endlessly. See? You make us laugh and happy. You cheer us up even if you don't sing Himnae! That's why you're part of embarrasSMENT. kekekkeke~

Even if you get your bad hair days, sleep to bed bad mouthing, without your make-up on, act stupid over some little thing, ignore your members, ignore us, be busy, don't upload in SNS, don't reply on our comments, keep secrets, be angry, dance lazily, be a fashion terrorist, we'll remain faithful. You'll wake up to a Sone hangover like no other. 

This identity we're proud of we bring with us everywhere. Your faces on our FB banner, Twitter banner, Twitter DP, keychains, wallets, car, tattoo, bedroom wall, kitchen, Christmas tree, yes. EVERYWHERE. We'll always carry it with us because being a Sone is something that identified us, that gave us a title to call ourselves. It's something that connected us to you and we want to share with other people about you because without you, I won't love pink at all. Kidding.

Without you, Soshi, Sones won't be this happy. You taught us to have more heart. You're a living proof that we can be great too. 

We'll always dream with you... till every nightmare is over.

Till goodbye stage.

Till marriage. Till babies. Till hubbies.

Till gray hairs.

Legends, together we'll make history.

In this one life, we had this one chance to be your fans and we chose to be... every single day. Sones will always be the one constant thing in your life. 



* if you want to read the original here's the link




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