No, I'm not.

I'm always writing a blog when I'm depressed, so I figured I'd write one because I'm NOT. =D

Hormones finally calmed down. (*fist pump*)

I even got my dance on this morning. 

Thanks for putting up with me during my down times. 

I'm NOT down thus far today. Hooray!!! 

It's Monday, but I don't care. I have to work today, but that's fine. I should remove my facial hair, like two days ago, but if it bothers anyone else they can just stop looking at me. Take that, society. I have no clue what I'm making for supper tonight, but I'm not worried.

But I'm not such an optimist that I'll leave my new anti-anxiety med at home. lol

Have a great day/night! 


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Hahahahahahahaha! Well this certainly brightened up my night! I'm so happy to read such a feisty post! Way to go, Unnie! \o/ FIGHTING!!! XDDD
faeriemythc #2
Not that's I just put your instead of you're
faeriemythc #3
Facial hair . I get more the older I get. Your in a good mood so I say dinner out. Make it an awesome night!
Lol! Yay! Glad you feel good.