MissWuhan's Portfolio;;

Heyyyy, MissWuhan here bringing you my lame portfolio. ;w; I have been editing on Photoshop for about 2 years, but editing with textures/posters/banners/etc; for about 2-3 months. Basically, I'm a beginner with AFF designing LOL. Bluntly putting it out there. I still hope you guys enjoy my works >w< I'm better with angst, mystery, and pretty much anything that's the opposite of fluff. I'm so terrible at it ;w; LIKE ER MAH GOD. But! I'm trying my best to practice at it, so I'll get better. I'm big hardcore EXO pan. ^^ They're all agdhsgajfahsk. You might also tell by my name LOOOL. *dies* If my work inspires you in any shape, or form....I LOVE YOU. Cause, my works are terrible, and ish. ;U; So it's gretly appreciated~;



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