↗ IMPRINTED : Lee, Jaemi AKA Jay.





SheaLovesYou/ Jay / 8 or more :D 

Lee Jaemi
The Cliche





. . . CHARACTER NAME: Lee, Jaemi; ;
. . . NICKNAME(S): Jay,a close friend called her that, because she was like a mocking jay.(from the hunger games). Anyone who is really close. 
. . . BIRTHDAY: 08/21.

. . . WOLF AGE: she is human, so whichever age you want her to be 
. . . FACE CLAIM: Jang Hae Byeol / The Short Blonde Hair
. . . BACK UP: Park Hyojin/ Click
. . . APPEARANCE & STYLE: She has a scar on her face, and leg from a wolf(not a were) bite. She likes to where "Bum" Clothes. Lose fitting Shirts, and jeans. She always has on a spiked ring, and a wolf necklace as they were a gift from her grandparents. she has a snake tattoo on her left shoulder blade. and her hair is always Short, in a choppy style.  


Funny,Awkward,Weird,Kind,Comes off Cold





. . . PERSONALITY: Jaemi, is a very conflicted person on the inside, and very analyzing of everything, she won't jump into something she doesn't know everything about, and very wary of who she trusts. She seems to always be alone, and so she has always relied on books for friendship. She moved from a even smaller town, after her grandparents died, which made her a little depressed, they were all she had. She loves to be around animals even though she was bitten. On the outside, she comes off cold, and for that she has lost many friends. Once you get to Jaemi, you will learn that she isn't cold just trying to figure you out. She is very funny, and what they a free spirit. She has always loved to joke around, that is how you she cares for you. Jaemi,doesn't really like to study therefore she gets Cs, but is far from dumb. She acts like nothing hurts her feeling, but in reality she is very sensitive. She gives off the innocent vibe, but she is from it...more like a ert (Ex:...'wow..his is yummy' 'I like his lips'), but she would never let anyone know. She doesn't like to see anyone sad, friend or not, but she has been known to say very hurtful things. She also has a short temper, and a love for pickles. The story of how she bitten (in case you wanted it): one night she was walking in her grandparents woods behind their house. As she was walking she heard a soft growl, and the snap of twig. Not thinking she turned and ran. Only to hear two growls and even louder snarl. She then ran faster only to forget where she was going, and tripped on a tree root. When she woke she still in the forest bleeding, she tried to find her way home, and lucky enough she did.  

. . . BACKGROUND: She just moved from an even smaller town, and her grandparents left in their will, that was to move their and live, and take of their animals (2 horses and a donkey).  
She was walking through the woods looking for a missing horse (stupid yea I know :D), when she see's an injured wolf. Freezing in her spot she doesn't know what to do until the wolf limps over to her, she takes the wolf home (even more stupid) and treats it. when it suddenly changes into a man. Slightly freaked out, she stares like a doe in head lights...only to realize he is in the (if they lose cloths when they change), she quickly finds a towel to cover his......man parts up. He explains what he is (like she didn't know) and thanks her. So she is surprised, but learns to except it. (feel free to change it any way you like)





. . . LIKES:
Pickels. Animals. Books. Kids. Cooking.Snakes. The Library.
. . . DISLIKES: 
Not knowing the future. People who make fun of others. Fish.

. . . HOBBIES: 
training her horses. Going on walks. Fixing up the house.

. . . HABITS: 
​Tapping her foot. Clicking a pen. Eating Pickles.

. . . TRIVIA: 
Grandparents where part wolf. She doesn't know her parents. She has a dog. She has never had a job. She has some money, but isn't overly rich.  . 



Kris Wu

. . . BACK UP(S): Luhan, Chen, Baekhyun

. . . PERSONALITY: Cold on outside, but very sweet on the inside. He has a love for reading,but he isn't seen reading. He is known for his harshness towards his pack mates, and he is very loyal to his friends. He obeys his alpha , without any question. and he knows when he has crossed the line, and will apologize if he hurt someone unintentionally. Once you get to know him, he is very kind. He is known to keep his promises. When he says something he means it. He doesn't sugar anything, and is known to be blunt. He finds the one (Jaemi) he tries not to be mean, but sometimes he can't help it. He has a short temper.  

We are very awkward at first, little words at first, but then it grows more,and more since I helped him in the woods. With the others Jaemi jokes around, but him she is kinda wary and cold. When he is hunting she misses him, but she is also worries that something will happen.She isn't against violence, and doesn't care about it. How they meet: He saw her in the library, and she accidentally ran into him. They also see each other at school, and He finally asks her name. There relationship grows more when she finds him in the woods...




. . . SCENE REQUESTS: The meeting in the woods.'s 

. . . OTHER: No I don't mind mature scenes :D...I kinda love them, and thank you for letting me apply.  


theme & coding by danhobak 


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Oh my i love pickles too!!!!!