Mujaku Academy - Kwon Min Jee




Show Time!,

I am Kwon Min Jee aka MJ.

username: BlackRose001| nickname: Andreia | Activeness: 8.5-10


Say It

Character Name: Kwon Min Jee

Other Names: Andreia

Nicknames: MJ- Everyone that knows her call her that, simplybecause it´s an abreviaton of her name;

                     B-Rose - People at bars and clubs call her that. It´s her DJ name.

Birthday: March 20th, 1997

Age: 16

Birthplace: London

Hometown: Seoul

Ethnicity: Korean-English

Languages: Korean- Native; English- Native; Japanese- Fluent; Mandarim- Conversational

Height: 170cm

Weight: 58kg

Blood type: AB





Face claim: Park Sora

Back-Up Face Claim: 


Bad But Good

Personality: MinJee is a really mysterious person. Almost noone knows stuff about her. She never tells stuff about her and that´s what makes people want to know her, but her cold words makes people want to get away from her. She´s like a Rose: full of thornes that you can´t reach her.

At school: She can be really mean and hates people that bother her. She likes to be in her own world and not be disturbed by anyone. People are scared of her becaus of the rumors of her killing people and stuff like that, and even tought she didn´t do it,, she never says it, so no one knows what is a lie and what is the truth. MinJee simply doesn´t care about that.

At night: MinJee is the badass girl that shows great passion for her job. She loves being a DJ and no one can´t stop her. She has a aura that no one can understand. It´s an aura that makes you want to aproach her, but at the same time it´s an aura that says to get out of her sight.

The real MinJee: Even tought MinJee is known has the Thornes Queen, in reality, she is a girl that looks for awnsers to her questions. She is lazy and stubborn. Hates when people order her around when she is in ther laziness time. If someone makes her do something that she doesn´t want to she will take revenge. She is the type of girl that when she has an idea fixed in her mind, is really hard to make her think otherwise, better saying, it´s impossible to change her mind.

I wont lie, if you start to know her really well you will find out that she is a really caring girl that will do everything to protect people that she loves.




  • White Chocolate
  • Capuccino
  • Coconut and lemon ice cream
  • Nail Arts
  • Music
  • Dance
  • Strawberries
  • Martial Arts
  • Dance Street Competitions
  • Hack Computers
  • The Dark and the night
  • The moon
  • Scary movies
  • Technology
  • Black Roses


  • Watermelon
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Mint Ice Cream
  • Really hot days
  • Lies
  • Insects
  • The color Yellow
  • Skirts
  • Noisy people
  • Snoby people


  • Swimming
  • Being on the computer
  • Walk alone at the night
  • Dance
  • Listening to music
  • Read romance books about supernatural
  • Compose music
  • Work as a DJ
  • Singing


  • Whistling in the S´s when she speaks
  • Bitting her bottomlip when she´s nervous
  • Drawing in the classes when she´s bored 
  • Practice dance alone in the practice room
  • Avoid everyone when she´s sad
  • Getting really violent when she´s angry
  • When she has the subjecst that she hates, she will start writing a story in the notebook that she has for stories.
  • When it is tests time, she hacks the teachers computers to see the tests and then she gets good grades.



  • She is addicted to capuccino. Because of that she needs to drink at least 3 times per day capuccino
  • She needs to go at least one hour per day to her computer. IF not she will go wild
  • She really loves sweets, especially stuff that have strawberries and white chocolate.
  • She is in love with black roses. Even tought they are artificial, she loves them a lot and if you want to make her like you (a boy), they giving her black roses will defintely melt a little bit her heart.
  • Her fave animal is the panther and the bat.
  • She has her own DJ set at home: 1|
  • She has a big collection of acessories, nail polish and other things for nails, high heels and sneakers and caps.
  • She loves to walk at night alone to enjoy the wind, the night and the moon.
  • She has a beautiful voice and sings really well, but she thinks otherwise and doesn´t let anyone ear her singing.
  • She gets alone with the gangs of her school, even tought she isn´t from any gang.
  • She is a close friend of Blood Wine´s leader, Sado.


Ain't Nobody Can Tell Me What To Do

Background: Kwon Min Jee was raised in an orphanage from London. She never knew her real parents. Being always judge by everyone, she learned to never trust anyone that easily and stopped acting childish and dorky. She really never enjoyed her childood like the normal children, and the worse was that she was really smart compared to children from her age. Since she was so smart, the orphanage directior always used her to hack computers to get money. She couldn´t escape from the orphanage´s director. If she didn´t do what he told her to do she would get beaten up. 

At the age of 10, she found her love and gift for mixing musics and dance. Going one night walk around, she found people gathering around to see a street dance competition, where there was a DJ. There she found her two passions: music and dance. Without thinking twice she asked to learn these two things to the group of people that were there.

At the age of 14, she mastered dance like a pro and her sense of mixing musics make her a great DJ. At that age, the director send her to Seoul since he couldn´t have in his orphanage children older than 14. Even tought she was his source of money, he couldn´t keep her. He sent her to Seoul so no one would never know what happened to her and enrolled her in Mukaku Academy, where he tought she would get killed by the gangs that there were.

What he didn´t expect was that MinJee would get close friend from Blood Wine´s leader, Sado, that is the stongest gang of the academy. 

You must be wondering how she got close to Sado?

Well, let´s just sy, that MinJee saved Sado a couple of times from getting expelled from the school and went to jail. Sado even asked MinJee to be part of her gang but she refused. But it wasn´t because of her refusing Sado´s offer that they stopped seeing each other. After all, MinJee was a great hacker, a good dancer and an excelent DJ and thanks to her, Sado could afford lots of stuff. On the other side, Sado gave MinJee safety and taugth her how to fight. The 2 of them become inseparable.


Best friends: 
Sado | Age | Student; Blood Wine´s leader | Personality* | They are close to each other and show their real selves at one and another. They have been lots of time calling the Blood Duo, because of their amazing synchronization when they are fightint with enemies. They think the same way and don´t need to say anything. They always know what the other wants to say.




Shut It

Rival: Kim Hyuna

Personality: Manipulative, two-faced, arrogant, snoby.

How you interact: Hyuna has laready shown to every single person thar she hates MinJee, but MinJee like always, doesn´t do anything at all, which irritates Hyuna even more.

Reason for rivalry: Hyuna haes MinJee because she´s staling all the atention to her, making Hyuna jealous of her.



You and I are meant to be...right?


Love Interest: Kim Jong In aka Kai

Age: 18

Majors: Dance

Status Quo: Member of Blood Wine, President of the Dance Club

Personality: Kai is one of the hottest boys in Mujaku Academy. Every girl dreams to have him. It´s only normal that he is always flirting with girls, but! When it comes to the gang that he is in, he is really loyal to them and very over-protective to all the members.

Everyone knows that his biggest passion is dance. Almost all the boys from school are jealous of his dancing skills that makes every single girl fall for him. It´s like , when he is dancing, he turns into a y god that no one can take their eyes out of him.

When he is in fights, he has always a poker face that doesn´t show emotions at all. He is like a doll. He is really good at fighting and grades too!. Afterall, he wouldn´t be in Blood Wine, if he wasn´t goo in both things.

Something that only close friends and member gangs know about him is that, he is a really clingy and stubborn person that doesn´t know how to show his real feelings.

How you met: The first time they meet was when, Sado took with her Kai to see MinJee to ask her to hack a system. The first time they met, both of them didn´t said a single word at each other.

The second time they met was in the dance club, where Kai was the president.

How you interact: Kai is curious about MinJee´s story, and the reason for not joinging Blood Wine´s gang. He doesn´t understand how she could refuse such a good offer. He starts to get really curious about her when he founds out that she is really close to he leader, Sado, and tries to investigate things about her.

On the other hand, MinJee can´t understand why he is so obssessed to find things about MinJee, making her to avoid him as much as she can.

As time passes by, and when both of them start to get on better terms with each other, they don´t know very well how to act around each other, and in the end, the only thing they do is dance against each other. It´s thanks to their little dance competitions that they start to get along and start to show their true selves to one another...



Love Rival: Zelo

Age: 18

Personality: Zelo may look like a cold boy, but in reality he is a really kind and warm hearting boy. He loves to see his friends happy and hates bullies. He is a member of the dance club and he majors at dance too. He´s like a different person when he is dancing.

How you met: The first time they meet was in a street dance competition, where both of them competed against each other.  The second time they met was at Mujaku Academy, when they went to the dance club.

How you interact: Because of him knowing the both sides of MinJee, she also shows him her real self. She likes to hang with him, because he is funny and totaly the oposite of her. She feels like he is her older brother that she never had.

Zelo loves to hang out with MinJee. She shows him stuff that he had never seen. He loves how different she is from the other girls and from himself. He loves the aura she gives off, making him even more curious about her.

Why is he your love rival?: Pretty easy! While Kai wants to get close to MinJee, Zelo is already really close to her, making him frsutrated and making him try to understand what was the difference between them. Seeing Zelo baing all touchy and frienfly with Minjee, makes Kai jealous and starting to lose his composer.

Back up: 


Someone Like You


Majors: Music and dance

Gang: She isn´t from any gang, but she always helps the gangs (especialy the Blood Wine gang), when it comes to hack a computer.

Favourite Subject: English, dance and music technology

Less Favourite Subject: Maths, history

Club: Dance club - a normal member



And finally...

Comments/Suggestions: Let´s do our best together author-nim and co-authors ^^

Scene Requests: I will add later ^^

Password: Matsui Rena. Acts as Amakuchi (when she´s normal), Chuukara (when she gets a little spicier) or Gekikara (Four Queens)




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