Interpreting Story and How Patience a Popular Author can be

I used to be a passive reader/ silent reader. It's not like I don't appreciate the story, but it's because I get the storyline. I also never concerned about others' comment. But, a few week after I join the site, I started to commenting on the story that I favourite just because I want to compliment the writer /It's what a rookie always do, leaving comment asking for updates and say how good the story was. Then I got friends, one of them is a writer with a handful of reader. I started to comment the story, mostly about the detail I didn't get. I also started to look over her comment section. Mostly her comment section was asking for updates, sometimes a conclusion like comment, and the writer tried to reply every comment. She was so ... patient, fyi, a lot of the comment was ridiculous. They /the reader who commented on the story/ sometimes got the wrong ideas, and I kept wonder how could that happen? The information was clear, the writer even sometimes left an author note if there is something new and unexplained in the story. But people still got the wrong ideas and then started rumour. Heol~ Bless those author with thousands of reader, this must be tiresome for them. *Sorry for the typos and grammar error. I am not really good with English and I wrote this wif my phone. But I want to share this nevertheless. **The comment that I talked about is the wrong conclusion without bothered to ask the author first, and if the author of the story was popular, people will use it against them. Some stories had grown in my heart, so I was kind of angry /?/


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thetrollwriter #1
lol, after realizing that so many people don't find the need to comment on stories, I've come to appreciate every single comments I received, even the update soon one. I'll just take it as the commenters are really eager to read an update. Hehe.

And about the conclusion like comments, some people really find it hard to decide what to comment. Isn't it good that they at least tried to give feedback to the author? At least they let the author know that they're reading. Idk, those kind of comments wouldn't frustrate me. Way better than not commenting at all. xD

And about the readers who got the wrong idea, rather than complaining, shouldn't we just explain it to them, though? When I got that kind of comments I reread the chapters to decide whether my choice of words opened to possible misunderstanding. If it did, I'll change it and if I find it necessary, clarify to the readers on next update. If I didn't have time or I really found my choice of words flawless (lol), I'd just explain to those who asks and then move on. My heart feels so much more at ease that way. :)