Paranormal: Stolen Soul


Application Form


AFF Username: Dream-seeker

AFF Profile Link:

Character Information

Name: Liu MaeRin

Date Of Birth: 11/12/1992

Age: 19

Clan: Dhamphir

Personalities:  MaeRin is a quiet type of girl who hates vampires and slayers even so she's a vampire too. Maerin is a shy girl and she's afraid to make friends and even start a conversation with them. Because she's shy. when people talked to her she would just nod or shook her head in response. Due to that, people tend to misunderstand her as a cold person but she's not! She's just shy.But don't get fool by her shyness, she's also a  hot-tempered person. She easily get angry especially if someone harm the people she loves. She would instantly punch that person or slapped them for hurting her loves one.  MaeRin also loves to be alone, no she's not a loner. She's just loves peace and quiet.

Likes:  Being lonely || Quiet places || spiders || dark places || reading angst novals  || roses 

Dislikes: noisy places || annoying people || s || es || vampires || summer

Habits: Glares at people she finds annoying or she hates.

               When someone touches her shoulder, she will instantly flipped them over no matter who they are

               Bites her bottom lips if she wants to say something but she can't

Hobbies: Improving her sword skills

                Reading angst novals

               Being alone in her room all day with the light off

              Running in the track field at midnight

Weaknesses: She can't read minds of vampire's

Powers:  She can ran very fast

                She can see the future

                She can read people's mind


Ulzzang/Model Use: Kim Shin yeong

Family Information

Family background/ History:  MaeRin is an only child in her family, she was born as a half human and half vampire. She hated the way she was born, she hated that she's a half vampire and she blame her mother for being stupid to fall for a vampire. You see, MaeRin father was killed by a slayer when MaeRin was 10. Her mother had to worked hard to pay off their debts and pay her university fund and at the age of 15 her mother died due to cancer and MaeRin was send to her uncle. Ever since then MaeRin leave with her uncle and her cousin, Amber. MaeRin was comfortable talking to Amber and eventually they become close friends. But deep down, MaeRin wanted revenge on the vampire slayer who killed her father and who made her mother suffered.

Family members: 

Father:Liu JooMin (45)- Vampire,Killed by a slayer

Mother:Yoon MinRa (40)-Human, died due cancer

Uncle: Liu SinWoo (35)- Vampire 

Cousin: Amber Josephine Liu ( 19)- Dhampir




Lover: 1-JunHyung 2- JinYoung 3-JongHyun

How did you meet? Junhyung- They met when MaeRin was searching for the killer who killed her father then She found out that JunHyung was the killer and  tried to kill him but Junhyung tried  explained to her that it wasn't him who kill her father it was someone else and he been trying to track down the man who accused Junhyung as the criminal. So from then on, JunHyung and MaeRin have been working together to find the real killer.

JinYoung- JinYoung was friends with Amber and he knew tha MaeRin and Amber were half vampires but that didn't change the way he treated them. He treated them like normal people, like humans. MaeRin fall for him 'cause of his kindness and dorkyness. When MaeRin is sad or upset, JinYoung will come to visit and do funny acts to cheer her up,

JongHyung- Met him by coincidence when she went shopping with Amber , more being dragged by Amber. She saw JonHyung on a girl's neck in the girls bathroom and MaeRin smacked him at the back of the head to stop him from anymore blood. And from then on, JongHyun have been bugging MaeRin, trying to her blood.

Clan: JunHyung- Slayer  JinYoung-Human JongHyun-Modern Vampire

Age: JunHyung- 21 JinYoung- 19 JongHyun- 22

Best friend (s): Amber  and JinYoung

Clan: Amber-Dhampir & JinYoung-human

Friend (s): Non


Anything else?


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