Life of an unproductive teenager.

MY PHONE CORRECTED TELL TO TYRELL. So, it said, "Please tyrell me." NKHfdkjads;lhfkj;edashfkjsadgf


So, I didn't have school today, but my friend did, but I stayed the night with her. 

While she was at school, what did I do?


Drew, Wrote, was on the computer, rolled around, laid down, did a little work on itunes and that's about it.

Then, when she got home, we did.... NOTHING. WOO!

But, I did organize some of my pictures like I wanted to. 

I'm not sure if you all are aware of this, but there are bath color tablet things. OH MY GOODNESS. They are amazing. Now, she brought it up that she still had some and asked if I wanted to use some. Then she asked if I would help her give her cat a bath. Her mom came into her room and said, "Don't you DARE use those on the cat." OH LAWDY. That's exactly what we were going to do. Really, we weren't, but the fact that she thought we would, is just.... terrible.

Anyway, I learned that the red color tablets make you look like you went on a killing spree. LOLOLOL.

We watched a movie and I don't exactly remember what it was called, but the jokes just kept coming out and then the tears came. The ending was so cute!

Back to our childhood, we are playing games on this website that we used to play in school and such. I HATE THIS SANTA GAME AND this snake game. These stupid walls are in my way. I thought they were my snake friends, but I was WRONG. Stupid walls and stupid snakes. 


Anyhow, I haven't done a lot today. I'm lazy, but hey, I had the day off school and I'll do as I please. 

Hope your day was more productive than mine!


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