Start Again

There are things you just can't stay away from regardless of how hard you try. I try taking a hiatus... lasted exactly 3 weeks before my mind became restless and began to wander off, scribbling little notes here and there of could be stories but when ever i try making them into actual stories my mind would go blank, same thing for updates. When i tried to finish one of my ongoing stories I found myself hating them and disliking the turn my writing had taken. 

So since i couldn't write, nor could stop thinking about writing I decided my only way out was to start anew. 

Only now i won't worry so much and just honestly write what i want to write and not what i think would please everybody. I kept telling myself that i didn't care about subs or comments but true is i do. I mean, when someone writes a story one is always eager to know what people think. Did they like it? didn't like it? We crave for comments and up-votes because honestly that is the only reward we get from posting something. 

Anyway, that mindset became too much for and I felt guilty because i forgot the reason why i began to write to begin with and it honestly made me a bid sad and depress about the stories. So because of the mindless rambling above this account came to be. I would post again, but on my own time, not worrying about things that are out of my control.

I'm revising my old stories, and fixing the gazillion mistakes i had made on them (i mean really how anyone could read through them is beyond me)  

I'll also be posting knew ones (so expect a lot of TaecKay and Junbros) since I'm sticking to my original promise i made to myself when i first started posting here. ASIAN FANFICS DOES NOT HAVE ENOUGH TAECKAY STORIES so i bow to fix this, while adding Junbros to that mix as well. 

If you read this far.. THANK YOU. 


Crazy Eni. 


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I just came back here after a long break as well... I totally understand you~ good luck! :)
*sigh* What you are doing is too complicated for my mind to grasp.

I regret having taken a break from reading because I didn't get to finish reading a lot of your fics and now I am curious if you ever did finish or if you plan to at least satisfy my curiosity when you are done revising your fics...too complicated for me you are Eni cariño. Muy complicada! Te quiero mucho mami!
aww Eni, I love you so much...I will always be an advent supporter of "if you don't like it, don't post it" I completely understand you. I mean, lol you've seen how long it takes me to update sometimes, right? it's not because I don't write, but because for every chapter I've posted, there's 5 chapters that I've written and deleted because it wasn't the right /feel/...I'll wait a year for an update from you, to be quite honest, so don't be worried that your readers will abandon you...we all love you...and the readers that unsubscribe, aren't readers that are reading for growth and development...they're just people that are passing their time. But the readers whose lives you'll make an impact on, the ones whose minds will be forever changed after reading one of your updates, those readers will stay forever...because writing, is something we treasure. my heart cherishes the art of written word, more so than pretty much anything else in my life (apart from like, my family but duh)'s often my only comfort, as well as my doesn't taste so well all the time, but it heals me...and the people that write stories like yours...those heal me too...and I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way...
I really love that new mind set from you. I came to fix the lack of chankhun stories, i fo love junbros and taeckay as well so i love the idea that a great writer like you returns to her routs.
It's hard i know the teuth is we aometimes write incredible awesome twist and than they are barely commenta if any just because its not one of the main coupels
But the truth is all couples of 2pm are really real and true there really amasing brotherhood possible. So we should live them all. It's also boring to write the same couples. So in future i plan to make a khunkay fiction and a taecchan fiction just because all of them have chemistry

Though i myself can't enjoy khun being together someone else than chansung in stories since i really love and treasure my ship. I still will try my best to encourage you. You may have less comments at first but i'm sure no one can resist reading your stories <3 you already amazmased us and the comments you get will be much more honest and passionate too.

I wish you luck and i'm so proud of you <3
Just read this.. I'm happy that you'd be writing again and just do it at your own pace, no rush and develop the stories as much as you want... tbh dont feel pressured from what people want ^^ I'd comment on ur stories when u write one but honestly I'm not used to commenting now haha and I'd wait patiently for taeckay and junbros. Eni fighting <3
am glad you're here back with us all..

it's okay..we all tend to forget the reason why we starts something we love to do at the first place and getting depressed over it..but we can always make it all over again and its not too late to restart ^^

love having you back Eni ♡
Hi! welcome to AFF on your new account!

First of all... I'm really glad we didn't loose you, cause that would have been really sad for AFF-hottest and I can't even imagine how sad for the Taeckay community, and Minjun-lovers in general... Because his pairings definitely need more stories!

And I think I sort of get what you mean... Or at least I think I do lol... It's like we want to write what we want to write, without trying to please anyone... But still we want people to like our stories... Or at least that's how I feel most of the time lol...

But I'm glad you're starting over, and getting a fresh start... And I hope you just write what you want to write, when you want to write it...

And... don't be too hard on yourself... Even though you see flaws in your fiction, you really are one of the best we have here, definitely one of my favorite fanfic writers (and I'm a picky reader)....

And, not like I have any right telling you what to do, but... Don't get too upset if you occasionally find an error in your stories... I mean of course it's nice to fix them when you notice them, but it's not the most important thing(Nobody really notices it anyways, more than half of us are not native speakers even... And your stories definitely don't have many errors)

The most important thing about fanfiction is not being completely flawless (or at least that is what I believe) but that's it's written from the heart... And that you definitely have.

You seriously have that special spark... So don't sell yourself short...

I mean I could proofread my stories till judgement day and they would never reach that, (even though they were error free)... And don't get me wrong... I love my stories to a fault and am probably my own biggest fan, but I'm just being realistic here..

*See View Replies for rest*