Weight-Loss Journal: Day 6 {Part 1}

So... I decided to work out at the house today. I was in the living room joging in place when I turned around and saw my reflection in the TV screen.

...I didn't know it was that bad.

I was in shock for a second before I started sobbing. I went into my mom's room, who was super confused as to what was going on considering that just 2 minutes ago she had seen me jogging and (attempting) to sing along to GROWL.

I explained what happened, and she said that the point is I'm doing something about it.

She's right, and I know she is, but it still hurts that I've lived in denial for so long.

I'll try to use this as incentive to keep going, though. At the same time I'll try to stay self confidant about myself. So on the outside I'll be all:


But on the inside I'll be all:

Till part two, this is Kat/writerinprogress94 signing off!


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