♔ Luminescence // byul

han su byul
KIMENRI // enri // 8
-//han byul; instead of calling her su byul, her friends tend to call her han byul
DATE OF BIRTH: 10 august 1992
AGE: 21 - going to 22
PLACE OF BIRTH: incheon, south korea
ETHNICTY: korean
HOMETOWN: incheon, south korea
LANGUAGE: korean (fluent) . japanese (basic) . english (basic)
» Showtime
STAGE PERSONA: the lavender rose
POSITION: thriple threat, visual
FANCLUB NAME: enbyulment ; pronouce as enchantment
FANCLUB COLOR: lavender  #9F90D0 

byul is known as the little lavender rose with her unconsious beauty, the senior with a height of a high schooler, often found hanging with her little group of friends, giggling ang gossiping about the lastest fashion, juiciest news around the campus and hot guys. doe eyes, lovely smile, light honey coloured wavy hair and her cute button nose. han su byl, the epitome of all things, sweet anf witty. the moment she walk into the scene, everybody will light up at her presence and sense the atmosphere has become brighter than before as her infectious chuckle floosed the air. clearly upbeat and filled with a dozen of quirk, byul was born to be the vitamin that energizes people whenever they're down or give a boost of extra confidence when others are thinking the worst. she is the type of person who jumps into life, trying to have fun and live her life to the fullest with no regrets. 

other than the fact that she is really cheerful, being the naive kid, she is easily taken by firsy impression. for example, a boy craze like byul would easily give in handsome features and sweet little lies, unable to seperate finding out that prince charming wasnt  what she expected him to be. gullible and just a bit too dumb for her sake. thats why she is slow in her academic too. byul is also someone who easily believes and is easily tricked into oblivion and by her surrounding. often times, she will find herself believing a strange rumour and mistake it as truth while its obvious enough that the probability of that rumour being real very unlikely.

despite her really cute appearance, she is also rather blunt. byul is the type of person whose mouth speaks faster than her mind, which is one of the reason why she cant really keep secrets. she blunt out even before you try asking. but it doesnt mean that way, it is just her habing no complete control over for goodness sake. that is why she is labelled as the honest girl who blunt everything out. the moment she spilled something out, she would squeak, clamping shut with both her hands, eyes widened as she realized her mistake and quickly apologise.  sometimes, her friends are having trouble to keep their hands to theirselves because they have the urge to direct a slap or punch at her face.

byul has an attention span of a fish, according to her best friend. she is easily distracted from slight noise and often jumps from one ting to another during the talk which is why her friends are often confused by her antics. one second she was gossiping and next she will be talking about the hot guy next door, she is pretty unpredictable and hard to read at times. byul is easily pleased by the smallest, minicule things or get annoyed easily by a simple stuff, but nonetheless, she is not the type to sulk for a long time, she is really forgiving and laugh to forget about it. byul also have another problem, she easily fall in love, crushing on guys, she frequently found herself crushing on her classmate and fangirling over k idols or guys from her school. she has a pretty fluffy side and involves her being a hopeless romantic. but she is not the one who will confess first but trying to gain attention on the opposite.

» Background

byul was born in south korea, incheon to a middle class family at 10 august 1992. byul was raised in incheon and her parents own a small cafe down guwol-ro street. the cafe is passed down from her grandparents and it was renovated to cozy wooden cafe. her parents is not the typical workaholic and loves to spend time with their childrens. they also tends to bring their children to the cafe so they can look after them and let the three of them familiarize with the place. to byul, the cafe is like her childhood playground, after school she will be there looking at her parents work and she also learnt to help out at the age of 5, she is there to serve them drinks and she always praised by the customers who she served for being so sensible and loveable. her family is not in a finacial crisis and so her parents wanted the best for their three childrens, being the oldest and the most sensible older brother, he wants to take over the cafe when he is about the age. being the middle child and also the most clumsy and hardworking, she is set to become a doctor. and she the youngest one, byul's dream is to become an idol after seeing her favourite group, dbsk's debut. 
at age 10, her mother signed her up for dance and vocal class, she also have practice for 3 years before she started rapping lesson too. when she heard that sm casting audition is in incheon when she is 16, she audtioned with boa atlantis princess but she never get choosen. 2 years later, sm audition 
casting 2008 is held in incheon once again, byul decided to try out again she dance to boa no 1 and sang to shinee replay acapella version. and she was finally selected. she also than moved to seoul to live with a few trainees in the same dorm. her family is very supportive of her and also decided to enrol her into seoul national unversity so she does not need to take KTX to incheon everyday for her daily schooling.

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
» Likes
  • one: beach; her favourite place
  • two: romantic and comedy; thats why she is such a hopeless romantic girl
  • three: perfume; she has a thing for perfume but doesnt like those super strong type of perfume
  • four: coffee; especially those in cafe, she is really used to be in a cafe
  • five: lavender; the colour lavender calms her down
  • six: rose; out of all flowers, she really like rose alot, especially those colourful roses
  • seven: teddy bear; gahh, you should see her room seriously. stuff with tons of teddy bear
  • eight: cookies; she really likes cookie with a cup of espresso
  • nine: bubbles; a small kid around the bubbles
» Dislikes
  • one: clown; its scares her alot
  • two: horror show; she gets nightmare and plus she is totally scared of ghost
  • three: tickles; she really dislike being tickles
  • four: people irritates her; she has limited amount of patience
  • five: big dogs; she is totally okay with small sized dogs and puppy but big dogs kind of scare her
  • six: insults; she really dislike people insulting her or people who is close to her
  • seven: no wifi; normal typical teenager who really hate it without internet
  • eight: peanuts; she just dont like the taste
  • nine: cycling; out of all sports, she cant cycle at all
» Fears
  • one: clowns
  • two: horror 
  • three: thunder and lightning
  • four: cycling
» Hobbies
  • one: strolling at the beach
  • two: star gazing
  • three: going to her favourite cafe located in gangnam-gu and spend her time there
  • four: sleeping
  • five: finding food
» Habits
  • one: roll her eye and tilt her head to the right if she is irritated 
  • two: clamps with both hand and eyes widended if she blunt secrets or something she shouldnt say
  • three: squealing and fan herself if she sees hot guy
  • four: mumbling something really very fast (like rapping) if she is nervous
  • five: puff her cheek when she is bored
  • six: twirl her hair 
» Trivia
  • one: allergic to peanuts
  • two: huge fan of dbsk and boa
  • three: she is one of the most popular students in her school
  • four: love strolling at the beach with those summer dress
  • five: have a couple of relationships before
  • six: wants to learn guitar but she cannot play instrutments
  • seven: she can eat alot
  • eight: she owns her own car
  • nine: currently studying in seoul national university. last year
  • ten: she is an ulzzang 
  • eleven: her role model is shinee onew
  • twelve: cannot live without aircon
  • thirteen: she cannot cook
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
» Faceclaim
FACE CLAIM: park sung sin
» Backup Faceclaim
FACE CLAIM: park seul
what you hear, what you see
when I'm on that stage
singing twin: aoa choa | exid solji
dancing twin: girls day yura | nine muses eunji
rapping twin: nine muses euaerin | 4minute hyuna
aegyo twin: snsd sunny | snsd tiffany
talking twin: aoa choa | exid solji
ACTING twin: apink eunji | fx krystal
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it
» the basics
LOVE INTEREST: kim jonghyun ; shinee
BACKUP: kim kibum key ; shinee

kim jonghyun, probably the most mulit-tasked idol you can find. okay maybe not but theres something unique about jonghyun. puppy dog eyes, platinum white blonde hair, shorter than most of the guys but his built figure make up for it, broad shoulders and bulging arms. he is also one of the most hottest idol you can find. though he is really manly, he have a mindset of 5 years old kid. he pout and whine if he couldnt get what he wants and tends to show his puppy eye which melt alot of noona's poor heart and maybe an igloo too. jonghyun can be really talkative and loud, and yes seriously when he lacks of attention, he flares his arms high and make funny faces to attract attention. he cant keep his mouth shout and you can see it during interviews, only him the one who keeps blabbering and doing a one man show by himself.

just by seeing his appearance, you can already see that he is a conceited and ignorant person. he loves checking himself out in the mirror and comment on how handsome is he, or who on earth is this handsome hot guy is. by the way, he might not be really that dumb but he is still ignorant somehow abit like byul but he is still clever when he is suppose to be. jonghyun is maybe one of the kindest person in the world, he accepts people who they are, and not to judge them. jonghyun is really kind, other than the fact he dont really judge people, he is well-mannered too. he bows whenever he sees a person older than him or a sunbae, he evens bows when he sees his hoobae. 

jonghyun also a funny person. he is often make fun of his look (a mixture of dinosuar plus puppy) and he also admited that he really look like a dinosuar that makes alot of people cracks up. he burst in anger if he is irritated but all is for the viewers, he is not a hot tempered person but thinks that joking make the world more lively and so he every often try to make people laugh by his actions and words.


byul first impression to jonghyun is like she so fragile. something makes jonghyun wants to protect her alot and he become really protective of byul after he got closer to byul. the two of them might not be really that close but they always exchange a few small words before waving goodbye. they are like the strangers who doesnt dare to approach each other, yes byul have a thing for almost all hot guys but they are talking jonghyun here. she doesnt want to be targeted by his noona's fans and decided not to loiter around near jonghyun. but when they are together or hanging out with each other, both of them in diguises trying to hide from their perspective fans. jonghyun's arms will try to wrapped around her waist and led her but whenever they does that, his arms will try not to touch her waist and it fustrated byul. byul also try her best to stick closer to jonghyun when he is wrapping her close to him.   

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: hope you will like byul:) and forgive me for the grammer mistake and stuff, english is not my best and first subject though:p
-//collaboration between shinee and luminescence or exo
-//a luminescene asia tour
-//jonghyun stalk byul to her favourite cafe and watch over her until she left for her dorm 
-//jonghyun confess to byul at a beach with two dozen of helium balloons and four dozen of lavender roses tying on it
-//anti fans of hers threw insults on her and jonghyun's sasaeng fans purposely push her down the stairs resulting her couldnt perform for a month because they are together
-//luminescene were on their way to the airport and fans were squeezing each other trying to take pictures of them and the security couldn control the scene and fans were pushing them around. byul was push on the floor and she cried for her members and manager to help her
PASSWORD: there is no password?
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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