"DONT underestimate  those children who chase after korean celebreties,their hearts are purer than anyone else,they love courageously,they will want to try their best to tackle difficulties,obstacles,the langguage and cultural barriers. they symbolize peace , they dont descriminate based on race ,they befriend people with the same interest from different countries,theyre more passionate and warm than any one else . they dont betray the ones they     

like easily , they are  persistent and dont  give up easily . They are stronger  than anyone else  on the inside because when they are loving those korean stars,they experience the set back theyve never  experience in life . they are all sensitive  children ,easily touched by tears for a long time  because of  one incident . their memoory is very good ,they can easily memorize the korean lyrics they dont understand,and their coordinate skills are also very strong . most of them are cheer ful children not the kind who keep to themselves . their will of determination is also very srrong  they are  able to  persevere all the way to buy something related to 


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shining_writer #1
Kinda funny that people still believe in this. Even though it is from a 'psychologist'. I still believe that not every fan is like that.