KOOKIEFREAK ┆ ARA ┆ (8-9) ┆ PLOT #4ヽ(*・ω・)ノ©

+ full name  yoon aeri
+ nickname(s)  yoon ae (certain people use it in attempt to get her to loosen up, but they only recieve icy glares in return.)
+ birthday 
+ age 
+ ethnicity 
 full korean
 novel author (for young adults. mainly supernatural/ fantasy stories with a loveplot.)
+ birthplace  london, england
face claim & gallery 
 baek sumin
back up claim & gallery  byeon seoeun


my two eyes shine
+ personality traits  cold, sharp-tongued, sarcastic, quiet, blunt, straight-forward, determined, hard-working, introverted, secretive.
+ personality   
Aeri is the exact epitome of the resident of Icy Land. She is downright quiet, and is not one to be seen speaking many words, but when she is approached, she will reply- just not in the most ideal way. She keeps her statements, short, blunt and makes sure to get her point across, successfully. When she is challenged, her sharp-tongue comes in, as well as her sarcasm, which usually keeps most people a distance away from her.

She's that girl you would see sitting by herself, stuck in her notes and ideas, and always examining her surrounding - perhaps searching for inspiration to throw into her novels. Aeri pretty much despises, any sort of social event (meetings, parties, etc) due her dislike of cramped spaces, noisiness, and, well people. She hadn't always been terrible at socialising; when she was younger, she was pretty much a social butterfly, but one day, it clicked in her head, that she had to try hard if she wanted to reach her dreams, and like everyone says, with success, comes prices. 

Aeri has her small clique of friends and because they're the only vital source for her, she cherishes them most. She doesn't have any other companions, but there is that one fellow author who works two offices away from her as well as the one who's always writing short, children books, but Aeri just can't seem to stick with people well, and can't handle this 'best-friend' business. It hard for her to express her feelings well, especially vocally, and she tends to bottle up all her problems and distresses, only to burst at her limit, sent into disarray because of countless reasons.

​ Now, she isn't all as bad as she seems, and isn't blind enough, to say, turn her back on a hurt child or animal. She wouldn't be amazing help, though, because of her insecurity and disbelief in herself, which is why she attempts to avoid situations along those lines, at all costs.// remember, don't babble.
+ background  Being raised in London, from the birth to age 6, Aeri had grown up with two average, loving parents. A little over her sixth year alive, Aeri's parents decided to move back to Seoul, for the hell of it. Aeri had grown up in an average household, with one younger brother, who always seemed to make her question, "who was the male around here, again?"

Before she hit the age of 14, Aeri ahd been you typical happy-go-lucky, reckless social butterfly who was always hanging out with friends and smiling to no end. A little over her 14th birthday, though, something hit her awake as she realised she wouldn't succeed in life if she kept on living that way. Changing her world almost 180 degrees around, Aeri began studying and working hard academically, and as a result like how mnay say, "with success comes prices. Her prices, was her personality change as well as her social skills.

baby don't cry tonight
+ family  
mother | Park Jungae | 57 | housewife | caring, strict, funny | Aeri gets along with her mother better than she does with her father, but thats because she can feel comfortable speaking of problems that girls tend to talk about easily with girls. 
father | Yoon Minyeok | 60 | none | kind, easy-going, wise | With her father, Aeri always feels safe and happy, because her father is a very calm, soft person who understands problems well.
younger brother | Yoon Taehun | 22 | businessman | witty, funny, lively | Aeri and Taehun have a very close realtionship, and she gets along with him the best in the family. It doesnt matter what he does and even if it hurts her, he'll always be her brother.
+ friends 
name | age | occupation | closeness (1-10) | 3 traits | relationship
name | age | occupation | closeness (1-10) | 3 traits | relationship
name | age | occupation | closeness (1-10) | 3 traits | relationship
+ other(s) 
relation | name | age | occupation | 3 traits | relationship
relation | name | age | occupation | 3 traits | relationship
relation | name | age | occupation | 3 traits | relationship

im running to neverland
+ likes; 
 cold weather: it's just her personal preference. She loves the icy wind, and rain and snow that fall on those occasions. She just does
 winter: the same as above, I guess.
 rain: it calms her; she especially loves writing on rainy days. Walking around in the rain helps her grab an understading of life and she enjoys the smell after rain as well as the sound of the droplets.
 the flower Baby's Breath: they're beautiful to her and remind her alot of herself; something that stays strong although they're never the centre of attention.
  coffee (mocha): she enjoys the bittersweet taste of it. It helps her think and keep her on task.

— singing: it's one of her ways of expressing herself
— writing: another one of her ways of expressing herself
— art: another way of expressing herself (LOL)
— strawberries: she thinks they're cute, and she loves the taste of them
— neutral colours: they suit her preferences as she likes simple things.
— photography: one of her hobbies she picked up during high school. Photography inspires her in writing as well.
— sad ballads: she loves listening to them, and although she doesnt like admitting it, she relates to alot of them.
— food: come on, who doesn't like food?
— sweaters: they're comfortable and warm 
— sleeping: well, sleeping is always welcome with everyone
— cold foods: it's sort of like how she likes cold weather

+ dislikes; 
 loud people: they're too different from her
 hot & humid weather: the feeling of being sticky and sweaty puts her off. She also can't wear sweaters,and warm clothing.
 horror movies: she can't; she just can't
 surprises: really, one of the things she hates the most, are surprises. She just hates the feeling of being tricked.
  large crowds: social problems=uncomfortable around large amounts of people

— being told what to do: Aeri is really independant, so don't tell her what to do or else she'll probably bite your head off
— being disturbed while concentrating: especially when she's writing, because she tends to lose her line of thought
— crying: when she cries, she doesn't just cry because of one reason, but because of many, so she'll cry for hours when she does, which she rarely ever does
— goodbyes: they get her in an awfully negative mood

+ trivia; list as many as you like. habits, fears, hobbies, all of that jazz and anything you can think of. again, things you think will be relevant to the story + add extra information rearding your chosen plotline.
 she has some sort of a fixation for drinking and eating cold things on cold days. 
 she had always thought of writing as a hobby but when she graduated with a degree in literature, she decided why not take a shot at it?
 she's really creative, with heaps of art pieces and creative writing's scattered around her area, but  if you ask her things that dreamers would be happy to answer, she'd reply realistically, so it's hard to tell whether Aeri is a realist or a dreamer.
 She has waist-length hair, dyed a deep burgundy red, with no bangs.It's usually braided into a long side braid, or in a loose, messy bun.
— her brother ended up dating his 'best friend', the sister of 'him'.
— did really well in school, but she still ended up deciding to become a writer
— she has trust issues, from her distance with people.
— tends to clap or cover when laughing
— detests aegyo
— is very honest when it comes to answering things
— walks around in the rain when she can because it helps her clear her thoughts.
— When she was younger, she used to dream of becoming a singer.
— loves basketball and running.
— has a star constellation tattoo on her uper back/neck

— the relationship had fallen apart because of her disbelief and doubt, and although they were drifting apart, Aeri was the one that ended the relationship

so lucky to have you

+ when did she become best friends with the girls? how?
 through university/ college. the intern had been in the same class as Aeri and because, during partner work, they were always on their own, they were put togetehr allt he time so they became friends that way. the intern had been friends with the babysitter, who was friends with all the others, so they grew close that way.

+ who among the girls is she close/closest to? why?
 — the intern, because they share similar character traits as well as the intern being Aeri's first friend.

+ who among the girls is she least close/closest to? why? 
— she's not really distant with any of them but if she had to choose, it would be the heiress because they are quite different, but Aeri gets along well with all of them, which is why she is still friends with all of them.

+ what is life like living with the girls? (first pov pls)
[your opinion and first thoughts?]

My initial reaction to the moving in idea was a complete 'no-no.' I honestly still own an apartment, that I lived in prior to moving in with them, but I decided, hey why not? Because, honestly, living on my own in that spacey place was turning me into some zombie that made everyone around them depressed. I know now, though, that it was a good idea.

[how is the atmosphere?]

Well, honestly, it changes everyday. I personally, don't mind it too much because I actually adore all of them, but it can get pretty hectic at times. Usually, once you wake up, you can feel it in the air, whether it's going to be a good or bad day. One of us beign down, brings the whole team down, which is not very ideal, for me, but hey, that's life.

[how did you adapt?]

It was really hard for me to adapt. I didn't have any sob story reasoning why I suddenly became so cold, distant, and quiet, so it was hard explaining why I was, well, who I am. In the end, I had to come out with my past with 'him', and it seems like I wasn't the only one who went through hardships. Int he end, we all gained trust from eachother so I managed to fit in quite well after that one obstacle.

[how did you end up living with them?]

Well, we had always been one group, so it was natural for us to look out eachother for the rent problem. Although some of them, aren't exactly the most anti-social people in the world (unlike me), so they obviously have loads of other friends, but I guess, you could say, we're best friends to eachother.
+ any particular role you have around the house? (first pov pls)
 what are you in charge of eg. taking out the trash, paying the phone bills, cooking etc.
Since I have a phobia agaist messiness, (i'm kidding, it's not that bad) I clean the house in my own will. I also cook alot of the time, but we all take turns at times. 
everyday in my dreams
+ love line  fixing love (no.4)
+ partner  baekhyun
+ backup partner 
+ age 
+ occupation songwriter
+ his personality traits  lively, optimistic, cute, funny, sarcastic, mischievous, outspoken, social
+ his personality  
Baekhyun had always been a curious, extorverted child and nothing changed as he aged to maturity. He was always eager to make new friends and perhaps add them to his overflowing list of best friends. He was always one to be playing pranks on his friends and then bring it up over and over again until someone punches him in the head or something. It's just how he worked. He was definitely an optimist and thought of a glass as half-full, rather than half empty.

After the breakup though, he changed slightly. He became slightly more quiet and serious, but he is still everything stated above. 
+ their story  

At the ripe age of 17, was when Aeri first glimpsed at 'him'. He was the older brother of Aeri's younger brother's bestfriend (lol sorry xD). She had only caught a two-second eye-contact as she helped send her brother's best friend out of her family's home, yet her heart closed, uncomfortable for her. Now, Aeri had never believed in love at first sight, and this definitely didn't change that. Around a month later, Aeri had been studying her notes at a nearby cafe. As she stood up to grab her drink from the counter, she's shocked by a voice behind her,

"Hey, that's my drink."

She realises, out of her rush to get back to revising over her mathematics studies, she had grabbed someone else's drink, who had ordered the same thing as her. She smiles sheepishly and hands his drink over, silently, but as she walks to grab her drink and walk back to her table, she's stopped by him. He recognises her as her sister's best-friend's sister. They get off to a start.

As Aeri really didn't have many friends at that point in her life, so she managed to get closer to him; but like with everything good, they come to an end. Aeri had always been uneasy, and because this was her first relationship, she was even more doubtful, so in the end, they crumbled together. He seemed to be craving for a new chance while she was craving for an eternal love - it seems like her doubt had't helped at all. She had ended it out of selfishness and the scare of being hurt in the end. They had grown apart, and fell apart.

+ relationship   
they're in an awkward phase, as they try to think of eachother as strangers, but they can't because of obvious reasons. It's also impossible to hate eachother because of that infatuation which is still evident from both of them, though they're in denial.
+ trivia; 
 he is a well-known song writer, as well as occasionally releasing his own singles; known for his love songs
 the two as a couple, seemed very much like a best friend relationship, but with love weaved into it
 although Aeri never really liked nicknames, because Baekhyun called her 'ttalgi' (strawberry in korean), she stuck with 'baekgu', which means 'white puppy.'
 Aeri dislikes most flowers, especially the extremely vibrant and bright ones, but she adores Baby's Breath out of her wits, so Baekhyun always made sure to get her them - not all the time, but regularly, even though Aeri asked him not to.
— their first date was actually in the cafe they had met in, and they had basically spoken for a bit, before heading to go eat dinner
— Aeri occasionally made the mistake of accidentally taking Baekhyun's drink whenever they got coffee.
— they had visited Namsan Tower on one of their last dates together, and purchased the locks of love.
— They broke up with Aeri being 20 and Baekhyun being 21


an instant heart attack
+ password  password
+ others — sorry about the 'their story area. i'm not good with going into deep detail and fluff,etc ><

Also, the song i linked, is sort of how she felt after the break-up, so is that okay?

but this story sounds really cool :D
1. i was thinkig towards the end, when their relationship is fixed again, maybe they could go buy coffee, and instead of Aeri taking the wrong coffee, Baekhyun could take hers, smirk at her, and walk off drinking it, which shocks Aeri? LOL IDK

2. Because Baekhyun helps Aeri with her story, Aeri could help Baekhyun with his songs?

OKOKOKOK idk anymore, im not creative sorry T T








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