happy Birthday to my wonderful unnie!

My Unnie, Cindy is celebrating her birthday today! Hurray! Unnie, I wish that you will maintain good health so that you won't be sick...EVER! Please don't tire yourself that much. I know you are busy. Don't ever skip meals! It is bad for your health! Stay helathy and cute! ^_^.

Unnie, you are a wonderful friend. I love you! You are so kind. The first time we talk, it feels like we are so close. You ares o friendly. you are very warm. The guy who will marry you (LOL, your bias!) is VERY lucky to have such a cute and loveble wife! XD I hope in the future, you will have a peaceful marriage life. I hope that, ou will achieve your dreams. I don't know what they are but I really hope they will come true :D

Please, refrain from saying that you are so fat because you are not! You are healthy! You are cute! stop denying that you are cute! XD You look young for your age unnie! *pinches you*

To my beloved unnie, a Happy Birthday and advance Marry Christmas! XD





Your Dongsaeng,


Kirby :)


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:) give her my blessings for her and her bf
So many birthdays today...@_@

Happy birthday to Cindy below me~ =D Even though I don't know her...XD
VampireKnights #3
oh happy birthday !!!
cindy92pillay #4
omg! i'm smiling so much while i read your blog post!
and believe it or not, i'm laughing between my tears...haha~
you're so so sweet!
ok! ok! i'll stop saying i'm fat but i'll keep the diet plan...lol~
and i already have a bf...haha~
so don't say anything about my bias! he's very easily jealous! ;P

gosh! thank you so very much again!!!!
i honestly have the best family in AFF :)
and you're such a wonderful dongsaeng!!! ^.^