Vertigo| Oh Raejing| Rae| Skinship King| Main Rapper|

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        ; 〈  OhRaejing
                〈 The End

                ▷ Username: CrimsonGhost

                ▷ Activeness: 8/10

                ▷ Name: Just call me ghost if you like


                〈 What  the  papers tell me 
                ▷ Name: Oh Raejing
 ▷ Other names: None
▷ Nicknames: N/A
                ▷ Age | Birthday: Dec 15th, 1992/22
                ▷ Nationality/Ethnicity: Korean and half Japanese
                ▷ Languages: Korean-fluent, Japanese-fluent, English-0
                〈 Who I  am

                ▷ Personality: (Blunt and honest). Raejing is an incredibly blunt and honest person. He believes that if the person asked for your opinion, then you should give it to them but not be too hurtful like insulting just honest and straight foreward. Raejing thinks that constructive criticism helps you improve and become better: His father Kazuya was often like that as well and just told people how it is. Raejing wasn't always like this though of course, when he was younger he was afraid of giving his opinion on things but now he doesn't worry about what others think anymore. Raejing believes lying is wrong and you should be very honest, even if it may get you in trouble at least you didn't lie your way out of it, though in some situations he thinks it's acceptable. It's also another reason why he's not good at acting, because he believes you should be true to yourself even on screen.

(Generous and kind). Despite his bluntness, Raejing is still a very generous and kind hearted person. If someone is ineed of help he will be right there for them even if it's a total stranger. Though sometimes people have taken advantage of Raejing's kindness: Once he was in high school, he saw a 'homeless' man on the streets begging for money, people walked by him of course and didn't bother to offer him even a penny. So that's when Raejing stepped in to help. He gave the man quite a bit of cash, though he found out later by his mother that that man was filthy rich! Raejing was hurt obviously by what happened, hated being lied too in such a manner, but that also taught him a lesson to be more careful with situations like that.

(A goof off and passionate). Raejing believes that one shouldn't be serious all the time, you should also have a little fun and take risks in life. He's the type of guy who loves having fun and playing around with his close friends and band mates though sometimes he can be a little annoying people still like his fun personality none the less. If you play a prank on him though then be warned, because he won't hesitate to get back at you. He's also quite passionate in many things such as rapping and dancing. He tried entering a rapping competition when he was younger and didn't win, but he was still very much fascinated with this and wanted to get better and improve his rapping.



▷ Goals/Dreams: Raejing has been bullied a little bit before he became a member of Vertigo with people telling him that there's no way he could become a famous musician and what not so now he wants to proove those people wrong. He wants them to see, that if you put your mind to things you can do anything if you set your mind to it.

▷ Strengths:

  • Rapping
  • Playing the drums
  • Dancing
  • Creativity
  • Hosting


▷ Weaknesses:

  • Singing
  • Acting
  • Too nice

▷ Likes:

  • Rapping
  • Having fun
  • Writing song lyrics
  • Going for walks


▷ Dislikes:

  • Anime and manga
  • Spiders
  • Romance dramas
  • Complainers


▷ Hobbies:

  • Dancing
  • Beat boxing
  • Martial arts
  • Reading


▷ Habits:

  • Being too blunt to the point someone's feelings get hurt
  • Smacking his gum whenever he chews it
  • Swears quite a bit out of anger and just because but not in every sentence


▷ Fears:

  • Becoming blind
  • Being paralyized
  • Deep waters


▷ Trivia:

  • Despite his attitude, Raejing loves his family dearly especially his mother and younger sister
  • He likes dramas and supernatural movies
  • He doesn't like anime or manga
  • Raejing feels sick when he eats sweets so that's why he can't have any and doesn't like them
  • Talks to Crayon Pop's 'Soyul' quite often on Twitter


                〈 In the  Mirror
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                ▷ Face Claim: Park Hyungseok

                ▷ Backup Face Claim: Kang Hyukmin

                ▷ Style:  Raejing is the type of guy whom prefers casual and comfortable clothes when he's going to his dorm room or just taking a walk. On occasions such as when they go to an awards event, he'll wear a crimson colored suit with matching pants. As for things such as airport fashion or variety show fashion he just wears a simple but nice looking outfit.

                ▷ Height: - 5'9

                ▷ Weight:  - 128

                ▷ Effect: Raejing is often seen as 'normal' to many people. There have been rumors going around saying he got plastic surgery, but he always denied those rumors. He doesn't believe in it actually, he believes in natural beauty rather then fake beauty.

                ▷ Etc:None


                〈 Take off the  Mask
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                ▷ Background: Raejing grew up in Seoul, South Korea born to a Korean mother and a Japanese father. He had a fairly happy childhood growing up, though the neighborhood he lived in wasn't exactly the 'safest' area. He didn't go to college after graduating high school but he did take up a career in dancing and rapping, performing at local nightclubs and such by the age of 19. Not much is known about him really about his personal life.

                ▷ How life changed you so far: Raejing used to be quite shy and such about giving his personal views and opinions, but as he got older he became less and less shy about it.



                Grow up and  Blow away
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                ▷ Mother: Oh Miyun| 54| Nurse| Mother| Raejing is sometimes what you might call a 'momma's boy'. He has a very, very close relationship with her and will help Miyun with whatever she needed help on. Sometimes people often pick on him for being close to her but he doesn't care what others think of him.

                ▷ Father: Oh Kazuya| 56| High school teacher| relation | Kazuya and Raejing are somewhat close. While Raejing is more out going and fun, Kazuya is often serious and sometimes a little cold even but they help balance each other out and get along fairly well; Raejing has high respect for his father.

                ▷ Sister: Oh Yeomin |17| In highschool| Very close| Yeomin and Raejing get along extremely well with each other. Sure they may get on each other's nerves from time to time, but they won't let anything come between the bond they have with one another.




                〈 Thank  you
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                ▷ Best Friend: Soyul| 22| Crayon Pop member| Close friends| Soyul and Raejing are a pair of goofballs together enough said. Raejing likes hanging around people who are fun and that's exactly who Soyul is. Sure they may bug each other every now and then, but they try not to let anything come between their friendship.

                ▷ Best Friend: Donghae| 27| Super Junior member| Close friends| When Raejing first debuted with his group, Donghae was the first male idol from another company who he met and congragulated him. After that meeting they kind of parted ways for a few months, buut once they got back together they spent as much time with one another as much as they could.

                ▷ Friend: name| age | occupation | relation | interaction



                〈 Love you
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                ▷ Crush: Lee Joon| 25| Mblaq member| Crush| Joon and Raejing are very outgoing and talkative around each other. They hang around quite a bit at coffee shops, parks things like that

                ▷ Backup Crush: name| age | occupation | relation | interaction

                ▷ Personality: Joon is very out going and much like how Raejing is actually. He is often very funny and passionate about what he's doing.

                ▷ First Meeting: They met on a variety show once.

                      ▷ Interaction: They hang around quite a bit with each other.

                      ▷ Status: Friends at the current



〈 It's called  Idol





                ▷ Stage name: Rae

                ▷ Persona: Skinship King

                ▷ Position: Tesuji| Main Rapper, Dancer

                ▷ Backup position: Myoshu | Sub Vocalist

                ▷ Singing Twin: name & link(s)

                ▷ Dancing Twin: name & link(s) Taemin

                ▷ Rapping Twin: name & link(s) TOP

                ▷ Trainee years: 4 years

                ▷ Personal Fanculb name: EX-Rays



〈 The Beginning

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                ▷ Popularity: It's okay if the readers don't like him ^^

                ▷ Comments: I just hope I got everything right .///.

                ▷ Scene Requests: How about a scene where Raejing gets caught in a dating scandal with Joon? :3

                ▷ Suggestions: For song maybe they could perform a guy version of Apink's 'Secret Garden'? And for show wise how about Hello Baby or Happy Together?

                ▷ Password: Monsters Of Men




                                                layout credit to fallen angel.



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