Trying to learn!! But failing miserably

So I was at a baseball game last night and built up enough courage to say hi to this Korean lady who runs a Korean burger stall in Korean. For the rest of the night I talked to them and met her husband and daughter and someone who works at the grounds as a helper and his name is J.B. I never got the lady's name or her husbands. But I went again today (cos I'm a member and I go to every game I can) and we (J.B. and I) hung out and the next thing I know we're saying goodbye. I found out he's 24 (I thought he was 26 and he was surprised) and then I told my parents and they gave me the lecture on how I want to be an actress and all this Korean is not getting me anywhere. And now I want to learn Korean more than ever and I was wandering if anyone would like to help me learn Korean? At least to have a simple conversation that's something like hi my name is how are you what food do u like(?) etc. 


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Mm, I could help with some basic things? If you want more complex sentences I could ask my mother who was born and raised in Korea.
I have a few books I could look through to help you, send me a PM if you want to know anything ^^ I'll try to help as best as I can~
There's lots of basic online. It you can look for a program in your area that teaches english to Koreans. Might find more of that closer to a university, but if you find a Korean who wants to learn/perfect their English I'm certain they'd exchange teaching you Korean.
Hope that helps