Get to Know Me Pt. II

1:What is your name and does it mean anything?

My name is Cindy. From what I've read online, the name is short for Cynthia which was short for some mountain the Greek goddess Artemis was supposedly supposed to be born on. /shrugs idek man.

2:How long have you known your best friend?

Since fifth grade which was... five years ago. Dang.

3:What position do you normally sleep in?

How would I know which position I sleep in if I'm asleep? LOL, okay, I usually prop an arm under my head even though it cuts off my circulation. >.>

4:Were you a part of any “clique” in high school?

I just became a freshman recently in September. I'm not in a "clique" now and don't plan on being in one.

5:Who was your favorite teacher in high school and why?

As of right now, I have a soft spot for my PE teacher because he's just freakin' awesome and funny.

6:Do you wish to travel a lot?

Yes, I really want to travel.

Sadly my parents don't.

7:Did you participate in any sports while in school?

Nope. If I did that I wouldn't have any time to write.

8:Show a sample of your handwriting:

That's too much work. :P My handwriting is pretty messy though. Sometimes, I can't even read it and I just sit there squinting at my pathetic scribbles.

9:Have you ever given blood?

No, I believe the legal age for that is seventeen or eighteen. 

10:Do you like the way that you grew up?

Sure, I guess. My childhood was pretty happy, up until the moment I hit middle school, if you still consider that part of your childhood.

It all went downhill from there.

11:Do you like your siblings? Why or why not?

Don't got none muhahahhahaah. 

12:How did you meet your best friend and why did you become friends?

Fifth grade; she was new student; idek what happened from there. All I know is she introduced me to kpop. xD She's the main reason why I'm here.

13:Name one movie that made you cry.

...Do k-dramas count? Because I Hear Your Voice made me cry buckets.

14:Do you prefer to read poetry, write poetry, or neither?

I prefer to watch people read their poetry out loud. I'm talking slam poetry. They read it with so much impact and emotion that I get chills and I feel like I'm getting slapped in the face whenever they say something beautiful.

15:Things about someone that you find attractive?


16:What song are you currently listening to?

Nothing right now. I need silence to think.

17:Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how?

I am proud to say I have not. 

18:A random memory from you childhood:

My dad and I taking down a bird's nest in my backyard and watching the eggs hatch open. Oh yeah, that reminds me. There was this one time a bird randomly flew into my apartment when I was a kid and we captured it and put in inside an upside down basket. I cried cats and dogs when my mom released the bird.

19:Where did you grow up?

In the rainy corner of the world called Seattle, Washington.

20:What was the last thing you watched on tv?

Some Vietnamese stuff my parents were watching.

21:Do you think you’d make a good parent?

Yes. Kids seem to like me.

22:Would you like to meet any of your Tumblr friends in person?

Most of my tumblr friends are people I know.

22:What was the last dream you remember having?

I always have these dreams where I drive cars xD Like seriously, I've driven everything from super fancy sports cars to an old rickety truck and I don't even have my driver's license yet. 

23:When is your birthday?

May. Twenty-second.

24:How many pillows do you sleep with?

Two. One to sleep on, one to hug. :D

25:Do you wear glasses? If so, how long have you been wearing glasses?

Yes, I wear them. I've had glasses since third grade. 

26:What color is your hair?

Dark brown.

27:Name 5 facts about your appearance:

1. I have two eyes.

2. I have a nose.

3. I have a pair of ears.

4. I have a somewhat pear-shaped body.

5. I've heard that my teeth are straight xDD

28:What is your favorite soda?

I love 'em all.

29:What is a strange talent that you have?

...I have no talent. /cries

30:How’s the weather right now?

Dark. It's nighttime and I'm too lazy to actually go up to the window, open the blinds, and check.

31:Why did one of your friendships end?

All of my friendships ended because the other person simply didn't have classes with me or we didn't attend the same school. For me, distance doesn't make the heart grow fonder, it makes the heart forget. 

32:Who do you miss right now?


33:Why did your last relationship end?

Sore subject; let's not.

34:Are you still figuring out who you are?

I've established my personality and what I am but I still don't really know what I want to be, so I guess I still am. Trying to figure out myself that is.

35:Have you ever been admitted to a hospital? Why?

I have not. I'm a pretty healthy child and all. 

36:What is your favorite restaurant?

I don't have one. I just really like my mom's cooking. Most of the time.

37:What is word that you always seem to spell wrong?

Unfortunately. I had to use spell check to get that right xD I also spelled "separate" as "seperate" up until the eighth grade. 

38:Would ever adopt kids?

Yes, I'm actually planning on doing so when I get older. My mom doesn't really seem to support the idea though, but yes, I want to.

39:What is your favorite kind of pizza?

The ones with cheese. (That means all kinds.)

40:What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?

It was probably something along the lines of, "Stupid alarm, I don't wanna go to school," except with a whole lot more cursing involved. :D

41:When was the last time you got really really happy and why?

I'm usually super happy during lunch with my friends because they're so silly and we do the dumbest things and crack the most immature jokes. 

42:What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

Idek man. You tell me.

Define "strange."

43:How do you start a conversation?

I guess you can say it all depends on who you are. If I dunno you the conversation would start with a really awkward, "Hello." xD Unless I'm online that is. :3

44:What’s a band you’ve been obsessed with lately?

Wow, really hard question to ask a kpop fan. I would say um... Infinite xDDDD 

45:Do you come from a family “of money?”

Somewhat. My family fits in the upper middle class section. 

46:Do you have a bucket list?


47:What is your favorite series of books?

The first one that comes to mind is the Artemis Fowl series. I am so sad it's finished.

48:When was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?

This afternoon. At lunch. With my super immature friends.

49:Where do you go when you’re sad?

Sulk. Tune the world out with music. Write.

50:5 random facts about yourself:

1. I'm double-jointed.

2. I played the viola in middle school.

3. I like EXO and all, but I don't understand their popularity on AFF. I think they're a bit overrated, no offense to you EXO fans out there. 

4. Math hates me. 

5. I have a thing for neon and red.

And yep, that's me. The questions were swiped from a tumblr post


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elle_kpop14 #1
Ok here are my responses to your answers :)

10. :OO What? I didn't affect it well? T^T

12. <3 Yea :3 alksfjdklasjlf I don't even remember what happened after I came either xDDD I guess you were just... part of the little group viv had and then... I kind of got dragged into that... and rossann LOLOLOLOL

18. Those are really interesting mememories O.O

27. Almost everyone has those features cin xDDD And of course your teeth are straight =.= you had braces

29. You can drawwwww :DDDDD


32. AWWW cinders T^T I mish you too


41. Am I included? T^T I remember talking about bananas. Me and viv just sat there like.. "You are so immature" xDD

47. what happened to PERCY JACKSON? :OOO

50. I don't understand EXO either. and how come math hates you? I also really like neon colors :3

---------I should like.. get two karma for this long comment xDD
legal age for blood donating is 16 just saying LOL c: