
school starts on monday though we have a public holiday the next day.

lots of my mates are skipping school on monday i guess and i am probably one of the few coming to school.

the holiday is just too short and honestly i did not receive enough healing. spend two thirdth of the holiday on two separate vacations but i don't know, i still feel tired.

its another year, another semester and i guess i still have to improve. its going to be hectic. i have a musical coming up as well as an orchestra in this coming semester. being the president of the orchestra club means that i have a big role to play and the given role for my musical means that i have to remember one whole book.

in terms of academics, i hope i can maintain good grades and improve some. one thing i learned from the previous semester is that it is not impossible.

we all have excuses saying that it is impossible for us to get As, that we are too busy to study or that the smartest kid should not be compared to us. but the thing is all we have to do is work hard. hard work always pays everything. being lazy is not an excuse. being stupid as well. as long as we can satisfy ourselves and not compare ourselves to others, that is what's important. to me, at least.

and one last thing is that it is always good to keep God's companion. i believe that i couldn't achieve what i have achieved without asking for His help.

anyways, i hope this new semester will be glorious. better of course. and i will never forget to always have Him as my companion and guide.

good night.

10 . 01 . 2014


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president of orchestra club?
wow that's amazing

good luck for school btw
don't stress yourself much