Application for CiaraLee



AFF Username: xlovelytinkx

AFF profile link:



[my first application so im sorry if it's bad D:, don't really know how to do these things but your story got me interested ..well the intro xD]

Character Infortmation ~





D/O/B: 11/02/95

Born (where): California



Personality/Persona:Shy,motherly type,kind



Ulzzang's Name: Song Ah Ri

Backup Ulzzang Name + 1 link: Mikki [not sure if this is her since i used google images]



Family ~


Family Backround:[My first time applying so im sorry if it’s lame ;n;]

Dad is korean wen to the states due to job , bumped into a strange woman feeding homeless cats. He found her interesting and started falling for her. She rejected him because she was pregnant husbandless woman, he didn’t care. They fell in love! Two months later Ruby was born in california. The dad decided it’s best for them to move back to korea where he can continue his job and support his new wife and “daughter”. As Ruby grew up she wasn’t well liked by her dad since he wasn’t the real father. He would usually put up an act infront of his wife so it seemed he really cared for Ruby but in reality he hated her. As time went by the dad would abuse Ruby by beating her when her mom was out shopping. Ruby didn’t tell her mom in fear that it would ruin her happiness so she it up. The beating made Ruby very self conscience at school since she had alot of bruises. She tried to isolate herself from her classmates. The class thought she was stuck up so they talked behind her back constantly. Ruby couldn’t date since her father wouldn’t allow it, so even though she was one of the most wanted girl in school she rejected ALL confessions from boys earning herself the title of Ice princess. Ruby soon couldn’t take the beating and bullying anymore so she dropped out of school and ran away from home. She took her savings with her and rented out a small apartment in Seoul. 


Members: Dad, Mom, Ruby [sorry im not good at coming up with names so i hope it’s ok if i just use “dad  & mom “ //newb


Realtionship with each family member:

Dad: Hates Ruby for not being his real daughter

Mom:Very caring for Ruby, Loves her husband very much, supports any decisions ruby makes.



Trainee Information ~


How were you discovered: Ruby was working in her local convenient store one late night. No one was at the store so she decided to turn up her music and sing along loudly while mopping the floor. The Ceo of cube ent just so happened to stop by for some drinks. He heard an angelic voice and decided to see who it belonged to. He saw you dancing and singing while moping the aisle. He was impressed so he gave you his information card. He told you if you were interested in being an idol to give him a call. You had nothing to lose plus the job you had wasn’t making you enough money to pay for your rent so you decided to take his offer and become a trainee!

What was your audition: Ruby was singing to love is MOVE by Secret and casually doing some of their dance moves.


Training years: 5


Trainee experience:

Ruby was the youngest Trainee and was belittled. You admitted you weren’t the best but you worked yourself up to number one in your class. While the other Trainee’s were on breaks Ruby was working her off.She was never good at being social unless they made the effort to approach her first. Ruby came late at night to the dance studio to practice more since her apartment wasn’t that big and the neighbors would complain if the music was loud. In the park Ruby would sing her lungs out trying to reach the highnotes. Trainee’s didn’t really like Ruby since they thought she was arrogant even though she didn’t even utter a single word to them since her first day. History was repeating itself with the isolation. Ruby knew if she quit she will never accomplish anything so this time instead of running away she worked even harder to accomplish her new found dream to be an idol that has lot’s of confidence.




Relationship Information ~

Love Interrest:

Son Dongwoon (BEAST) 

Bang Cheol Yong [Mir] (MBLAQ)




Yoseob , Hyuna, Yesung


Favourite Group:






None. has never dated due to her lack of confidence  

Sassic Information ~


1)Maknae / Sub Vocals / Sub DancerPersonal

2)Main Vocalist / Sub Dancer


Fanclub name:Jewels

Personal Fanclub colour: Ruby Red

You are the group's: Ice princess


Additional Information ~

Likes: Cute plushies, anime, animals, to bake pastries

Dislikes:Balloons [has a HUGE fear of balloons], veggies, mean people


Her first habbit is-

When she see’s someone cute she can’t help herself so she randomly walks infront of the person and squishes their cheeks. Happen’s often since she thinks EVERYONE is cute in their own way. She first does it to Hyuna, then Yesung, then Yoseob. That’s how they became besties.


Her second habbit is-

Even though she act’s cold she is still a maknae! When she doesn’t get what she want’s she uses her powerful aegyo! It’s VERY rare she has to use it though!


Side-job (as a trainee): 

Works at a pastry shop


Any thing else you want me to know about your character:

 Even though Ruby is shy and keeps to herself mostly, she will start to open up once she talks to you more than once. She’s actually quite funny and VERY clumsy when you get to know her.



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Annyeong! I appologize DEEPLY, but I missed adding in the positions in the foreword! Please go back to the foreword and re-choose your position and re-submitt the application again. Once again, I am very sorry.