Hey all you beatiful college (university) goers

So my parents are offering me one of the followings graduation gifts, I can choose from a brand new laptop and wireless printer or a new (used lol) car. Which of these gifts would be more beneficial for me when I go to college/ univeristy. I would think that it would be the laptop set, but my dad keeps arguing with me, saying the car woud be better. I just figured I'd get the opinions of people who are actually going to college (or have went). Thank you^^


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I'm in college now and I have a car and it's been soooooo helpful. I also have friends who do not have vehicles and they all want vehicles because it's just easier when you have to get to and from school and if you live in the dorms (which most of my friends and myself do) then it's great when you need food and necessities. Laptops are great, but in my opinion they aren't totally necessary because at my college we have computer labs and Internet throughout most of the campus. I would definitely recommend the car, but that's just my opinion. ^^