♡ // under the roof with Kwon Nayeol


Kwon, Nayeol

♡ //Ayo.

Username: Apple-Piggy
Activesness: 7
Nickname: Apple

♡ //Me, Myself, and I.

Character Name: Kwon Nayeol
Other Names:

// Mirai (Japanese)


//Nana (By her friends, started when a teacher accidentally called her the wrong name)

// Yeollie (By her parents, it's a shortform for her name)

// Mimi (By her siblings, shorter and much easier to say)

Age: 19
Date of Birth: November 27, 1994
Ethnicity: half Korean (Father)  half Japanese (Mother)
Birthplace: Jeju Island, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Weight: 50
Height: 167

//Korean - Fluent

// Japanese - Fluent

// English - Conversational

Occupation: University student, works part time in a bakery

♡ //Thethroughcheck

Nayeol doesn't talk alot and isn't sociable but she's polite and kind, that's why she has some friends. When you get to know this girl, you can't believe how innocent and gullible she would get. What's worse is that she's actually very forgetful and clumsy as well. She is too honest for her own good and trusts too easily, others can't help but taking advantage of her because of that. It also doesn't helps that she's extremely helpful and would do you any favor as long as it doesn't breaks the law. She however, takes on from her father and could get too curious for her own good, making her really loving the subject science. She believes that the world is peaceful and there are nothing to worry about. She sometimes even wonders why there are police and lawyers when nothing bad happens. She really loves peace and always take the conversation to a more peaceful sight. Well, at least she isn't dumb when it comes to love. In fact, she recognizes the feeling real well. She sees love as something pure and beautiful, something really corny and cheesy to you but real sweet and normal to her. People protect her from the dangers of the world, she somehow, seem to slowly realized that she had always been dependant on others and would like to be even more independant. She would never want to upset anyone and cares for everyone even before herself. Even though she doesn't look like it but she's quite intelligent, not the most intelligent but enough to get a scholarship in her current university. The girl also strongly believes that no matter who it is, everyone has a reason to be who they are today. Thus, making her accepting anyone and everyone as her friend. She has a high level of patience and most people never saw her get angry before, sometimes, they even doubt that she could get angry. She is a very understanding girl, you just have to be honest and tell her to stop being too lcingy and she'll immediately follow your orders. She never complains, like ever. She usually sees the bright side of every situation and learned to be content with her life. She would appreciate even the smallest things you do her.

Background: Nayeol had lived a pretty normal and peaceful life since she was small. She has three older siblings and a baby brother. Her family wasn't really what you could say rich but they were defintiely one level higher than what you call poor. She was borned in Jeju Island when the family went on a family trip there. When she was younger, she remembered having a real happy childhood life with her older siblings and parents. She remembered having a pet cat once but then one day her parents told her that it got lost, which actually, the cat died in a road accident. She doesn't remember anything sad from her childhood, which is the exact reason why she couldn't understand those cliche drama storylines which was full of confusion and drama. Her school life was pretty normal as well. Well... There might be a few people that tried to take advantage of her innocence and actually try to bully her but failed when her overprotective friends protected her. Sometimes, she really wonder why police even exist when the world was as peaceful as this. Well, little that she know, she is going to be proved wrong.


  • Flowers
  • Ice-creams
  • Rainbows / Other colourful stuffs
  • Birds (Especially Owls)
  • White Chocolate
  • Cotton Candy
  • Pianos / Keyboards
  • Children



  • Violence
  • Horror Movies
  • Insects
  • The dark
  • Strong perfumes
  • Snakes
  • Nuts



  • Jumping up and Down before sneezing
  • Fanning herself when embarassed / nervous
  • Bites her lowers lips when talking about something/someone she's uncomfortable with
  • Taking a deep breath and let it out three times after falling down due to her clumsiness
  • When bored, imagines herself playing the piano and moves her fingers



  • Playing Chess
  • Baking
  • Gardening
  • Playing Piano/Keyboard
  • Listening to music
  • Reading



  • Falls down real easily.
  • Her ears get red when she's embarassed
  • She has zero alchohol tolerance
  • Never been in any girlfriend boyfriend relationship before but had tons of unrequited love.
  • She believes if you wear brighter colour clothing your mood will be brighter while if you wear darker coloru clothing your mood will be darker.
  • She isn't good at sports that aqquare a lot of energy.
  • She can play the piano.
  • She rarely gets angry.
  • She's allergic to nuts.
  • She's very forgetful.


Ulzzang: Kang Sura
Backup Ulzzang: Yiyi


She doesn't really mind about fashion that much but she would like to look good. However, she usually cares about how comfortable the clothes are rather than how pretty they are. She has a liking towards soft clothing like sweaters. Since her skin is quite sensitive and she gets cold easily, she doesn't wear exposing clothes. She usually likes going towards more lighter colours. She believes that if you wear lighter clothes, your mood will get lighter.

♡ //Ohana and  france.


Father∣ Kwon Daejong∣ 51∣ Alive∣ Outgoing, Caring, Fun∣ The father would always treat Nayeol as father's little girl. He is extremely, extremely overprotective towards his little girl. He would sometimes remininse about times when she was youger and how she grew up to be such a beautiful young lady. He loves his family a super whole lot and is very proud that he has such a great big family.

Mother∣Fukube Rina  ∣ 49∣ Alive∣ Motherly, Loving, Mature∣ Probably the calmest ones in the family. She can get strict at time but she is usually the quiet one in the family. The mother would simply stare at her children and give a warm smile as she watch her family get lively. She is usually the one they go for advise since she is the most mature one in the family. It's going to be hard to survive without her.

Older Brother∣Kiseki Kwon Nayong∣ 30∣ Alive∣ Caring, Mature, Reliable∣ The Oldest brother can certainly get a bit dizzy on how lively and fun the family is but he loves them very much. He got bullied when he was small but he was usually encouraged by the other family members, especially young Nayeol who would always tell him to cheer up and she will give her brother a kiss on the cheek. He didn't want anything to happen to his family members at all, especially little innocent Nayeol.

Older Sister∣Aoi Kwon Narim∣ 27∣ Alive∣ Understanding, Cheerful,  Adventurous∣Nayeol and her would usually spend time together, having girltalks that the other siblings couldn't afford to havee with her since most of them are boys. She loves Nayeol very much and used to dress up her when they were small. She usually experience a lot of heartbreaks so she would usually try to convince Nayeol not to confess to the guys she likes, scared that Nayeol would be heartbroken.

2nd Older Brother∣Otani Kwon Naduel∣ 22∣ Alive∣ Humorous, Playful, Tease∣Being the sibling closest to her age, he would sometimes make fun and tease the innocent little girl. She sees this as a sign of affection and never gets angry with her brother. He and Nayeol are the closest due to the fact that they are about the same age. He once hated Nayeol because the parents start paying attention to her more than him. He stopped hating her when her first baby words were 'Nadeul-oppa'. He tries his best to put his attention on her, hoping that the birth of Nasong wouldn't make her be ignored.

Baby brother∣Hikari Kwon Nasong∣ 5∣ Alive ∣ Active, Sensitive, Oblivous∣ Nayeol loves him very much and would pretty much do everything to make her little brother satisfied. Sure, some might say she spoilts him but she actually do gives him some advices when he starts getting a bit too carried away in his naughtyness. He loves his older siblings equally as much as they love him. He alongside with Nayeol is being protected real hard by the older family members.


Best Friends∣Gong Minji/Minzy∣ 21∣ Alive ∣ Confident, Fun, Protective∣Is pretty good friends with her. She never fails to cheer Nayeol up when she's sad. Minzy can get a little bit overprotective when some people try to do something bad to Nayeol. She loves Nayeol a whole a lot and would do anything and everything to make her happy. Nayeol and Minzy would have lots of fun together, sometimes doing crazy stuffs that mostly Minzy suggested.

Best Friends∣Park Chanyeol∣ 20∣ Alive ∣ Cheerful, Optimistic, Outgoing∣They are really good friends and Chanyeol cares a whole damn lot about her. He reminds Nayeol of Naduel and she also cares about him very much. They are very close with each other, so close that they don't mind spending entire life living with each other.

Good Friends∣  Woohyun∣ 22∣ Alive∣ Flirty, Understanding, Mature∣He is well-known as a playboy but he treats Nayeol quite differently than he treat others. He loves her just like a sister and can get quite reliable when she needs help. She cares for the guy too and seems to be quite oblivous to the fact that he is a playboy since he acts so different near her.

Friends∣  Seohyun∣24∣ Alive∣ Understanding, Caring, Motherly∣Seohyun takes great care of Nayeol, sometimes helping out in her studies, sometiems cooking food for Nayeol to eat. She seems to have the 'mother vibe' all around her as she is very understanding and mature.

Friends∣IU∣20∣ Alive ∣ Shy, Quiet, Intelligent∣  They care about each other and would sometimes look out for each other. IU was quite glad to meet someone who actually would like to be her friend and cherishes Nayeol very much.

♡ //Laff.

Love Interest: Byun Baekhyun

Age: 20


He seems to be awfully similar to the landlady. He looks very handsome and beautiful indeed, but when you annoy him, he'll make your life a living hell. Being a guy that was spoilt since he was a little kid, he always gets what he wants and when he wants it, making him a very, very stubborn guy. When he was small, he tried doing everything by himself but the parents just kept blaming it on the maids and he ended up thinking that if he doesn't do anything, everyone's life would be better. He also can get very rude and obnoxious when he wants to, especially to those he hold grudges on. He is very impatient and extremely hates it when someone else touches his things and would immediately yell at them. He has a big pride so you won't be seeing him apologizing to others or backing out from a fight that often. He realizes that he has a pretty face and would sometimes use it to get what he wants, but he would usually fail due to his impatient and the need to socialize with other people. He isn't one to be emotional and the only emotion he oftens shows is anger. The guy doesn't really know much about surviving by himself and is very dependant towards others, he never even washed a plate in his whole life before. He definitely would have a pretty hard time adjusting to his new life here in the apartment. However, since Nayeol is here, he finds the place to be quite pleasant as his room is always cleaned by her and he doesn't have to worry about the chores. Sure, he is a jerk but even a jerk could be nice sometimes, okay, seldom, but when he gets nice, he is really like a different person. The boy would sometimes find it hard when he wants to say something, usually making him using actions instead of words to show how much he cares about someone.


How you two met:

The first day they met, Baekhyun had already looked at her as an enemy. At that time Nayeol was running late for an appointment with Chaeki to sign the papers and documents. While running, she accidentally trip and fell and she desperately tried not to fall by pulling the closest thing to her. Unconciously, she pulled Baekhyun's jacket and he eventually fall with her (No... not as cliche as falling on top of her.). He was quick to put her in the enemy list. The fact that she was apologizing with such genuine expression makes it worse for him (he actually felt like forgiving her) and he immediately raised her to the highest level of his enemy list.

And interact:

Nayeol felt extremely bad after their first meeting and would usually try her best to apologize, sometimes baking him cookies and helping him out in his chores. He would usually take advantage about it and orders her around to do chores for him. He treats her just like a maid of his own. He would sometimes see her as a pet that is super loyal to her master, sometimes actually thinking that it's cute.  After a few days, his parents made him change school since the university he went was for rich kids and they had no money anymore. It turns out later that Nayeol and him are going to be University buddies. Since he kind of got used treating her like his maid, he would sometimes get a bit possesive of her and would get angry if someone bullies her or tries to woo her. He would usually shoot them a glare and claim that no one can touch his pet. Although everyone says that he is a big jerk, Nayeol, being the innocent girl she is, believes that deep down he has a golden heart. He did prove her thought to be right sometimes by actually apologizing when he went too far and show her some concern. He would sometimes purposely go to the bakery where she works and buys some bread.

Backup Love Interest: Luhan
Age: (same as above)
Personality: (same as above)
How you two met: (same as above)
And interact:
(same as above)

♡ //I am Moong Chaeki.

Your Plotline: The Student
Backup Plotline: The Receptionist
Love Interest's Plotline:
The Snob

Why rent here? The reason for you to rent here?

"Hmm? Isn't it natural to move out when you are at my age? I'm pretty sure every0ne does this. Plus, adding my baby brother into the family, there wouldn't be enough room for the whole family and my parents would have to bother about all the expenses and all that. I would really like to be more independent like my older siblings... *Smiles* I'm really thankful when my parents gave me support and money to assist me finding an apartment. *Sighs* Well, I don't really want to burden them so.... *Grins*  I figured why not rent this apartment! Well, it's the cheapest apartment I could find, plus people here seemed to be quite pleasant."

What are your expectations living here?

"I hope that everyone could be friends. After all, everyone needs friends, right*Thinks hard* Ah, there's also one more thing. *Shrugs* I'm not complaining but I do hope that there won't be any blackout or any insects crawling here and there. It would be nice if the place felt like home... "

First impression with the tenants?

"Oh, the others? *Smiles* They all seem to be nice. I haven't really interacted with any of them but I'm pretty sure they are great people. *Sighs* Well, there was one guy who seemed to be quite unhappy for most of the times, I hope it's not because of that accident... He has a really pretty face, I'm sure it would look even prettier if he smiles even more!"

Who do you think you'll be best friends with and why?

"Maybe the two girls I saw just now at the living room that were getting real active and smiling real brightly... *Widens her eyes when someone whispers to her something* W-what? One of them is a boy?! *Shrugs* O-oh.... Uh... Well, my bad.  *Smiles* Anyways, I think we might be good friends since I like the company of lively people. They remind me of my family members."

Who do you think will be your enemy in the household and why?

"*Widens eyes in surprise* H-huh? I wouldn't even want to think to be enemies with anyone! Plus, I'm sure everyone is really nice! *Bites lower lips* W-well, there's one person I could say that I'm quite scared of, but I wouldn't want to think of her as my enemy. There's that one girl that looks quite cold and ignores everyone... She... she seems quite scary. However, I would really like to be friends with her, really! "

Describe the room you want.

"It would be nice if it's plain and comfortable like the one in my house.   I would like the room to be neatly tidead up because I think I might find it hard to actually live in an uneatly tidied up place. Perhaphs... the colour of the wall could be something soft and pastel, like sky blue. I would definitely need a corner to myself since I do need to study afterall. It would be real nice if the bed was soft and comfortable... Also, if there are somekind of antique decorations that has some myths behind it, like the dreamcatcher, it would be pretty nice and homey."

Relationship with roomate?

" *Laughs awkwardly* Eh... I hope we could be friends. It's actually the first time I can interact with people often outside of my University. *Nods to herself* It would be nice if we can help each other during times of need.".

After you've succeeded in whatever your goal is, would you leave or woud you stay?

" You know, this question is a bit hard to answer. I can't really answer this just yet. I'm not even sure what I would like to do for the future yet... *Sighs* Oh well, if I do plan to move out, I think I would miss the other tenants a whole lot. Well, if I don't then I'm pretty sure life here will still be fun."

♡ //You actually finished this.

Suggestions: The fic is already great as it is. XD
Comments/Concerns/Pusuades: I don't know why but I really want you to treat my character horribly later in the story. It's just that, I doubt there would even be someone this innocent alive. TTATT It makes me a bit touch to see how pure she is. She must learn that the world isn't as nice as it seems, the hard way. I'll help you think up of something if you want me to, but if you want to write it yourself, do surprise me. XD Oh gosh I feel like a weird unnie that is looking over her own character just as if it's her sister. XXXD Anyways, I totally love the plotline of this story, I know how it feels living with weird people and it was a fun time living there.
Scene Requests:

- Landlady's birthday party? XD Random and awkward moment.
-  Chanyeol visiting her apartment? Snob gets a  little more snobbish than usual? XD 
- Nayeol falling sick one day (Maybe because he asked her to get him some groceries despite the fact it was raining and her umbrella got spoilt halfway?) and Baekhyun ended up taking care of someone for the first time.    

Password: under the same roof


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