Just saw this and thought, oh wells. Don't even know if I'm suppose to just copy it... oh well, like i said XD

1. What is your name?

A: Ay, we all know :P

2. How old are you?

A: 16

3. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?

A: ... I have none... apart from a tumblr, on private, to get all my fanfic pics xD


4. What is your height?


5. Do you have any siblings? 


6. What is your eye color?

A: very very very dark brown, almost black, although apparrently thats not possible...

7. What is your hair color?

A: Again, very very very very dark brown. OH WAIT! It was... now its gone all light for some reason, to a just one dark brown... :(

8. Do you were glasses or contacts?

A: Nope!

9. Are you right handed or left handed?

A: Right :P

10. Do you have any piercings?

A:  I had two ear piercings on each ear, but I let one on each close :( I'm getting them again... one day  

11. Do you smoke? 

A: Yuck, no, but people in my house doo

12. Do you swear?

A: Lul, yus. Doesn't everyone?

13. Do you get along with your parents?

A: Mostly... 

14. Your heritage?

A: MEHEHEHE, NO. I was born in the UK? :P

15. Your fears?

A: Erm... don't really have any... used to be spiders, but now I'm mostly ok, and i like rollercoasters... *shrugs* I guess ur general horror movie shiet is pretty fearsome... if i spelt dat right XD

16. Goal you would like to achieve this year?

A: WRRITE MORE!.... Do well in GCSE's... PLZ.

17. Most overused phrase on an instant messenger?

A: Lol/lul. I use it way too much. Oh and also xD.

18. Best physical feauture?

A: ... I don't think I hve one... sad times xD

19. Your bedtime?

A: It varies... on a non skl night, around 2-4am... on skl, 11:40pm-1:30am-ish

20. What time do you arise in the morning?

A: Non skl days, around 12:30. Skl days, 8:00am, which gives me 30mins to get my out the door, and be at skl. YUS, I'M LATE XD

21. First thoughts waking up?

A: Honestly? Mostly a lot of "WHYYY?!" or "Faq dis shiet bruh"

22. Do you shower daily?

A: Pretty much, but my hair like once every two days.

This or That?

23. Bright or dark room?

A: It depends... mostly dark, but with my aptop of tv on. I aint gonne just sit in the dark, like hi

24. Chocolate or vanilla?


25. Dogs or cats?

A: Cats

26. Pepsi or Coke?

A: Coke!

27. McDonalds or Burger Kings?

A: McDonalds

28. Ant or dec?

A: lul, neither XD I don't even know which ones which. Does any body nowadays?

29. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?

A: ... I've never had either xD

30. Cappuccino or Coffee?

A: Cappuccino. When we buy that, my intake gets out of cobtrol. Which is why we don't buy it xD

In the last month have you..........

31. Drank achohol?


32. Gone to a mall?

A: Yus, like 1 week ago. Fun times wit bff.

33. Eaten a box of oreos?

A: That shiet hurts my stomach :(

34. Eaten sushi?

A: NEVAR! Which is bad, since my dad used to go to Japan on a weekly basis. WHY U NO BRING ME SUSHI DADDD? 

35. Been on stage?

A: Nope!

36. Been dumped?


37. Gone skinny dipping?

A: Ew, no thanq

38. Stolen anything?

A: Nope!

Have you ever.......

39. Laughed for no reason?

A: Well. I wouldn't say no reason, since that would kinda make me crazy, ju- yes. 

40. Been caught doing you weren't supposed to?

A: Not really. 

41. Been in love?

A: I don't think so, nope.

42. Fired a gun?


43. Been drunk?

A: Nope. I aint about that being-a-sket-waking-up-in-some-random-boys-bed-the-day-after-the-party life.

44. Been called a tease?

A: ... I'm not too sure wut dis means, I hope its not what I think. No any way.

45. Been beaten up?

A: Nope.

46. Shoplifted?

A: Nope.

What was the last........

47. Furry thing you touched?

A: My cat!

48. Thing you've said?

A: Goodnight xD

49. Songs you've listened to?

A: Agh some random crap on tv, which we all know nowdays, is shiet.

50. (Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone?

A: Ummm... my cousin? or my bff... not sure.

51. Movie you watched?

A: Pirates of the Carribean!

52. Things you were doing before this?

A: Nothing xD

53. Time you cried?

A: I really don't cry very often xD

54. Song you've sang?

A: Parodies of songs on YouTube xD Super Junior - y, Free and Single... CHONNIES VERS XDD Check it out its hilars xD FINE, i'll link it for you... click on whatevers blue xD

y free and single, me go gym wid a whale XDDDDD

55. Time you looked at the clock?

A: 12:29am, 4mins ago XD

56. Food & drink you've had?

A: m&m's choco and water and coke xD UNHEALTHY

57. Flavor of gum you've chewed?


58. Shoes you've worn?

A: Vans... always...

59. Stores you've been in?

A: Groceries, for milk nd shiz xD


60. Planet?


61. Age you've been so far?

A: 12

62. Season?

A: Spring...?

63. Number?

A: 6

64. TV Show?

A: They're all crap

65. Flower?

A: Black rose. They do exist, just rare... THE THINGS U LEARN XD


66. How much cash do you have on you?

A: However much I ask my parents for XD

67. What's a word that rhymes with door?

A: Floor

68. What T-Shirt are you wearing?

A: PJ's cos ima gangstarrr xD

69. What brand of shoes are you wearing?

A: ... none?

70. What did your last text message say?

A: Received: "Lol heyy, uh, do u have ur book?"

Sent: "Look at that dog, omg i want one"

LUL... im weird. BUT POMSKYS THO!

71. What were you doing at midnight last night?

A: On aff, procrisnating, instead of at leas trying to update my 50000 fics xD

72. What's your current desktop picture?

A: Default windows one xD

73. What's a word that you say a lot?

A: varpening?

74. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

A: I don't... know... :O

75. How is the weather right now?

A: Dark, cold, miserable

76. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite ?

A: Height, eyes

77. Are you too shy to ask someone out?

A: Yus, which is acc not a bad thing so far, since I've never like been into someone  xDD

78. Can you do a headstand without a wall?

A: Yus... I think... 

79. Who would you like to see right now?

A: Izz :( 

80. How many pillows do you usleep with?

A: ... one?

81. Would you go an a date with someone on MySpace?

A: LUL NO. I meet people in real life, and people I meet on internet are like separate. I wouldn't ever get that close to someone online without having seen them. They could be anyone guyyysss. And this is outdated, who's on myspace nowadays????

82. How do you want to die?

A: .... okay then, moving on...

83: What do you want to be when you grow up?

A: Doctor, if I can even be that smart... which I'm starting to doubt :( 

84. What country would you most like to visit?

A: HMMM.... I like it here :P 

85. How many CDs do you own?

A: None, apart from my old CD's which I burnt formyself on the pc, and my dad made one for me too, with ma fav songs aggess ago. Woah 0.0

86. How many things in your past do you regret?

A: Can we not...?

87. Do you think you are attractive?

A: *Le sigh* Oh yeah, I'm totally gonna marry a mirror cos I'm so freakibng haw- LUL no, mate, no.

88. Do you believe in yourself?

A: Vat? I think I'm pretty real bruh xD I KEED, IM NOT AN IMBECILLE... I can't spell xD

89. Do you want to get married?

A: Yus, i think

In a boy/girl.....

90. Favorite eye color?

A: I don't really care, but greens pretty cool. Still, I don't base my likings around dat shiet. XD

91. Favorite hair color?

A: Again, I don't care that much. It's prbs gonna be brown.

92. Short or long hair

A: Depends what suits him, tho I can't picture any long hair that looks good right now, and i aint gonna like someone who spends hours in dh mirror ureeday... so short?

93. Height?

A: Taller than me... 6 foot-ish, maybe like 5'10? I guess as long as theyre reasonably taller than me, IDC xD

94. Weight?



Soo that was a bit of fun, distraction from writing. Sorry :(. It's fun, mostly, give it a go!


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