
Hello everyone! Thank you for the questions!

So I'm back with the answers to the game I previously suggested. Some of you asked me questions after I made the video, so I replied to them on the blog post. 

Also, please excuse the quality, but because of its length, it took around 5 hours to render, so yeah. Maybe most of you will get bored of watching, but oh well. I received such interesting questions, and I hope the answers are up to your expectations!

And the ones I sent the karma points to are Moony_Kat, because of heaven's question, inlovewithkpop_, because I liked how she thought about TD,WL and the characters and dazedunicorn, for asking me such a direct question, as religion. I've sent 1000 karma points to each ^-^

You can watch it here.


Thank you, once again!



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Thank you darling for answering my questions.
It felt like I was having a conversation with you. ^_^
Your voice is sooooo adorable. :)))))
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
aw, man, I didn't get the karma. hahahahaha jk XD
I'll have to watch the video later, I have to go somewhere right now. V,V
O.O Is that my username there?!
And all I did was ask a question that keeps on bothering me... But anyway, THANK YOU! >///< And I surely will enjoy the video!^^

P.S. Ce-ai spune sa facem o chestie de genul acesta impreuna? Let them know that friends meeting online can be friends in real life as well :) Doar o sugestie pentru o viitoare intalnire dupa examene, of course! :D