Sometimes I get infuriated

I get infuriated when I was watching a video of a young dancer doing a y dance. She had good technique, when I compare her to the other dancers that I have seen in videos. I was not infuriated at her dance, I am infuriated at how the people looked at her. Comments about her not supposed to wear such a dance costume, not supposed to dance to y dances, even remarking that her parents did not raise her well. 


Seriously? Choosing not to look at her good dance skills, not to focus on her techique, good body control, and you had to comment on her costume. And even talking about her parents. It's just a dance style. It is hard to execute a y dance perfectly because there are many people who are close-minded and do not want to open up. It is hard to express your feelings through such dances because of the opinions that you have about those dances without even knowing them properly. Of course it is hard to have good technique, because that requires a lot of practice and many people could not take the training, when your body is sore, yet you have to do it a few more times. Many people in my dance team quit the training because it was tough, because they do not like to go for many dance activities, just simply because they think they spend too much time in dance. 


Instead of focusing on all that, you had to focus on a freaking costume. Remarking how she shouldn't wear that. Based on your opinion, when you probably have not even tried dancing before. Wow, just wow. Or perhaps, they are like the people who focus on HyunA being like a and doing y dances, some hating on HyunA and thinking she is doing that to gain fame, or -shaming the other girl groups who are trying y concepts. IT'S JUST A DANCE. It's a freaking dance style! Hip Hop isn't the only dance style that is acceptable, cute dances aren't just for girls, y dance styles aren't just for 'strippers', heck even men dance to those styles. To be a truly versatile dancer we have to let go of those narrow-minded perspectives and dance to a style that we are foriegn to, we must try new things, and we will try new things, because we know those kinds of dances for what they are, because we work hard to express our feelings and express our interpretation of those dances. 


There are people who hate on After School because they tried pole dancing. Seriously? People who do pole dancing are not s. Do you know those hard work they have to put in to do pole dancing? Those bruises, that feeling when you try a foriegn dance. Why wouldn't people even try to freaking know and understand these kind of dance styles? Or at least, try to respect those people who work hard to execute a y dance perfectly. Respect those people who work hard at something, respect every dancer, because they work hard, even at one expression, at those gazes, at those little details, staying in the studio for some more time. Dance is fun, but it is hard, so hard that so many others have quit, ah I do love those people, they are nice people, but they do not love dance. 


This is why I keep talking about dance, hoping that people will understand more about dance instead of labeling them as a 'cool', a 'y', or something that is just taboo. Hoping that people understand that dance is fun, it is an interest but it is so attractive that there are people like me who wish to be a professional dancer, to dance until they die, to stay in the studio, to keep on dancing, in the streets, anywhere, associating many things with dance. No, you don't have to love dance, but accept the fact that there are many people who love dance, and respect those people. The topic about dance just comes up naturally. My instructors set up the studio partially because he wants to spread  the culture of dance, hoping that more people will understand dance. Which is why I would prefer to be alone rather than be with people who abhor certain dances, rather than be with people who don't understand me, I would be be with people who would at least resepct and support my choices. 


I know what I am doing when I am doing a y dance. Of course, y dances can refer to many things--hip hop genres which are y, certain sub-genures of jazz, pole-dancing, and many others. I know it, because my instructors teach them, because one day I will choreograph or perform to such genres. I will compete, will perform, will be a professional dancer, will spread the culture of dance, will inspire other dancers. Nah, it is not impossible as long as you work hard in dance, continue dancing. It is funny if you give up just because you think you cannot be successful because you aren't talented, why, you have not tried! It is funny if you try to stop others from achieving their dreams just because you didn't want to fulfill yours, why, you can't stop them! Perhaps we should just focus on the hard work that people do to achieve their dreams. There was a video where HyunA was practicing the Bubble Pop dance. She was about to collapse but still continued dancing. The After School memebers had bruises on their legs when they attempted pole dancing. When BoA was doing the Over the Top performance she was sick. No, this is not because of the slave contracts that they signed unknowingly. It is because they love what they do. And let's respect them for what they do even if we do not understand them. Many people deserves to be recognized because of their hard work, because they are doing something that they love. (How many people actually did something that they truly loved?) 


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evangeline101 #1
I'm speechless. What you said back there is the absolute truth of the majority of the human population and I hate it that the world is like this. I wish you luck on your journey to conquer your dreams and I hope you'll achieve whatever you set out to do.

I hate it when people shame. You're completely right! You know, I think those people should go themselves because its up to her and that type of dance takes a lot of work. I, for one, couldn't do it. good luck to you and to her! Rock it! don't regard what others say! :D