There is something extremely helpful I've found about writer's block!, so I wanted to share it with you! ♥

You’ll need paper, a pen, a handful of highlighters or colored markers, and whatever you’re working on. Using the paper and pen, copy your last page or two by hand. Don’t change the content yet. When you’re finished, read through the penned copy and look for anything you feel could be improved or tweaked. Don’t erase or scratch anything out. Instead, use the markers to make changes. Draw big swooping arrows to move things around, in different colors. Want to add a word? Do it in pink, or green. Or purple. If you can’t find anything to change, read through it again and highlight the parts you like, again in different colors. And draw stars, pumpkins or exclamation points.

Using color and changing the physical method of expression stimulates the creative half of the brain, your “right brain,” and encourages it to reopen communication with the analytical half of your mind, or the left brain. Like most artists, most writers are right-brain-dominant, heavy on creativity. However, we also depend on our left brains for the tools of writing. When you stimulate your creative mind with color and fanciful images combined with your analytical prose and sentence structure, it can open the channels of communication and get the ideas flowing once more.

This is taken from hefairbanks of tumblr and as soon as I get the chance to, I will try this actually out! 


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ah, thank you for this! /has been dwelling in writer's block more or less for about 6 months ;A; I'll try it out!

ffffffff you smart girl <33
tbh usually i just either force myself to write, or i ignore it and wait for it to 'cool off' AND FOR THE WRITER'S BLOCK TO JUST NOT LIEK JUST STOP BEING THERE GO AWAY I WANT TO WRITE PLZ
milleniums #2
write in some type of blue--it helps creativity, that's why the lines of loose leaf paper is usually blue.

it always helps me when i write with a blue pen. also i will try this because i'm in a writing slump again for whatever reason, and i was doing so well, too! i almost finished a oneshot before i trashed it because it was nonsense. oh well.

hopes this work for you.