I suppose I should blog about this.

When I started to watch Taemin and Naeun on We Got Married I didn't know what I would find. The fact they ended up being compatiable for each other was something I think no one expected. The only problem is that like in previous seasons something beautiful as their fake marriage has to eventually come to an end.

If it was because of the negative comments then I would be more sad. However they're both idols, both have busy lives. SHINee with a World Tour, APink with another comeback probably in the works and Naeun starting college it's no wonder they won't continue. They could but they would be tired and stressed from the extra schedule.

Taemin has always struck me as this adorable little boy in SHINee until he came onto We Got Married. I then realised that while I am still older than him he cannot be babied anymore. He's a grown man who can drink, swear and fans forbid date.

The issue of him lying about having not dated got to me a little bit at first. Having been from Naeun's perspective I know how it feels to have a guy you like lie to you. But since he did mention it before in the first episode (with not a lot of detail) then I cannot really judge. Seeing him on the show has made me realise how transparent he is. He may not be honest about everything (for the safety of his personal life) but seeing him with Naeun makes me feel he does have something there for her.

Naeun was a little harder to read. Having no experience at all she is incredibly shy however she has an incredibly strong will and mental strength that should not be underestimated. She isn't the kind of girl who would act cute to try and get her way. Instead she would rather not speak if it would bother others. That I can relate to; I see myself in Naeun as I used to be very withdrawn and closed in.

Still I didn't really know how Naeun felt about Taemin. That is until I saw she had practiced two weeks to cook for him. If I had a guy I liked and wanted to invite him over for dinner I would ask him what his favourite meal is and then make sure I would be able to prepare it well. She's a hard worker, if she wanted to do it for the show then she could have taken him out to a restaurant that cooks that dish. No she practices so she can cook it. If that isn't a sincere gesture then I don't know what is. Taemin knows it and that's why he's so touched. Naeun may not have made him cry just yet but she has a pure heart of gold. First the meal and then the performance with the guitar. She feels as though she's failed while he is so moved by it that his eyes have a sparkle in them.

This couple hasn't had a smooth ride. There are fans on both sides chanting. "Boo to We Got Married! Let's Burn down their Studio!" Some for selfish reasons and others for reasons more justified. Not every hater wants their bias to themselves, sometimes they are just concerned about the hate directed at their bias be the girl or the boy. If my ultimate bias was on the show and getting hate then I too would probably want him to leave the show (but I doubt Infinite would appear on there).

Then there is also the cursing issue which caused plenty of Taemints demanding justice and wanting Taemin off the show. Sure it would solve the problem in the short term but SM would probably never let any of their idols on that show ever again and MBC couldn't take that risk. It explains why Taemin refuses to speak about it. He's probably forgiven even if he's forgotten, after all he knows his actions to Naeun in that episode are part of the reason for the staff member to speak out like that. Every reaction usually is derived from a cause, the cause was Taemin's 'badboy' behaviour and the reaction was the swearing.

Don't get me wrong people. We didn't have to hear the swearing. MBC could have checked the clips before posting them on Youtube. What's done is done, the staff member probably has been reprimanded and SM decided not to take Taemin off the show then and there. We have to move on and not hold grudges against the staff. If it is too painful then just stop watching, you don't have to do anymore.

Now the end is close at hand. As much as I was dreading their ending I am also anticipating what may happen. It would either confirm or confuse everyone. One party will not be satisfied and the other will rejoice. I'm more concerned about our couple than knowing if they will be in touch or not. Naeun will most likely cry and I usually worry over her more due to the clear hate at her (sorry Taemints but Taemin played with Naeun's feelings and got called a jerk. Naeun did nothing and was called a so don't say that is justifiable). And I'm also expecting Taemin to cry too. He may not cry a river but a few tears may be shed. He wanted to really be on the show to gain experience and learn new things and for them to end he's probably extremely sad.

Who knows if there will be skinship or not, it doesn't matter. What matters is these two had the chance to meet and thanks to God they discovered their connections through common interests and their pasts. Their lives had preparation in regards to that day in April and Taeun fans everywhere got to experience a truly refreshing outlook on love. The love that is without impurity, a love that easily makes mistakes and a love that starts slowly and with time gains momentum.

Who knows what the future will bring for these two. My only prayer is that they stay friends if nothing more now or in the future. Thank you Taeun for letting us experience your journey together. For Naeun who I see like a little sister thank you for always trying your best and caring for Taemin like a husband/boyfriend. You will make a lovely wife to one special man one day.

To Taemin although I found some of your actions cheesy (whether it was because they were prompted lines or hints from the writers) you still prove yourself to be a considerate guy towards the girl you like. As someone older than you I won't say you cannot date, but when you do just keep it between a few of you.

Thank you MBC for letting us witness this couple for the past 8-9 months. While we wish it was longer what ended on screen may still continue when the cameras are off. I wrote a blog post a while ago saying that the probability of the couple being real was 50/50. Now as I reflect on them my heart is nudging towards 80% real.

Image credit: renitacahyani36


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This was a very mature post about the issue ^^ I'm not real interested in watching WGM to be honest, but not once have I ever bashed Taemin or Naeun for being on the show. I think some fans were acting just outrageous about the whole thing, sure they have a right to be upset, but if Taemin does have feelings for Naeun we have no control over that and hardcore fans need to realize that.

I was so hurt hearing people bash these two endlessly.

Some Naeun fans went after Taemin fans and some Taemin fans went after Naeun fans it was ridiculous.

I hope that whoever comes on next for WGM doesn't get bashed so heavily like this couple did :(
If i could heart , upvotes or anything, i would. Its rare to see the positive ways and not defending one of the parties. Thumbs up for the positive mind of yours:)
I hope infinite did not went for wgm too. Besides the fans, i cant bear to see one of the member got hurt when it ends, just like naeun and taemin did :(
Very mature and wise post, thank you so much author-nim, really, thank you so much... :')
If it was possible I would like this post. Maybe I'm too addicted to Facebook (Actually I am) so here: *likes* I don't know what to say. But, you did have a wonderful analysis upon this couple. I am half awake right now which means I should get some sleep e.o I'm probably talking nonsense. Whoops. Sorry for that, the long comment, and Happy New Year :)