Happy New Year 2014!!!

Happy New Year 2014, Everyone!!! *^*


So yeah, long time no real word from me! Especially in the writing department. Mianhae ^^;

My health has been a bit of an issue for the past few months... conditions that are kind of bad for, well, /concentrating/ to write. I've tried to write despite that and mostly failed so sorry orz It's all I can do to put the effort in studying e.e; 

In any case, I'm getting a minor surgery done for it soon (FINALLY) and then hopefully I'll live up to all the promises about updates I made orz /really eager to get back to writing too/ 

Plus, one of my new year resolutions is to end 2014 with all stories finished :3 So nag me about it lots when I get back to regular updates like before, ney? <3


Happy New Year 2014 once again! May this one make all your dreams come true! (Like your OTPs finally getting married ;p)





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HaPpY NeW YeArS~ My Friends~♡
Hope all the best this year~ n_<
marshmellowcakes #2
Happy new year!!!
Happy New Year to you too! I hope your health gets better ♥ And I hope your surgery goes well!! I'll always support your writing :D
.. BangHim can't get married--