Giving up(why I chose not to)

Sometimes I feel like giving up on my story, because I don't get that many feedbacks from my readers and it feels like my effort is going to waste. 

I also feel embarassed somehow when I realized that there are a gazillion more stories that are better than mine, writers who are much more talented than I am. I feel so small compared to them, and less driven to finish my story. Because no one cares about it right?

But then I thought....

Why quit, why give up, when writing makes me feel alive? 

When writing gives me the oppurtunity to write and paint my own story, in my own words

Why quit, when I can't be able to go on a day without thinking about what storyline, what scenes to include in each chapter like I literally think about it when I eat, walk and even in the showers(yes its true haha)

Why give up, when writing gives me a sort of pleasure and contentment that I can't get nowhere else?

When I can share my imagination with my readers, when I can carve my own characters and be contented when I'm finished with a chapter. The feeling is surreal; indescribable. 

I'm sure many of you have gone through this phase, or still am, when you feel like giving up on your story because you feel like no one is supporting you and your story. 

But let me tell you this; 

J.K Rowling didn't give up on Harry when the books were turned down by lots of publishers. She didn't give up, she kept on searching for a publisher for the HP series. And it took her years for it to finally be on the shelves and look at her now. 

So what I'm saying is, time will tell. Be patient and never give up. Keep on writing even though your chapter views doesn't increase, even though you have no subscibers, even though no one upvotes your stories. Keep on writing if it makes you happy. 

You should write for yourself first, and then let the others come in latter. 

And perhaps someday, someday, people will acknowledge your story, and they will love it. 

Don't give up. Never ever ever ever ever. 

And yeah, that's why I chose not to give up. Because I believe that there will be a place for my story here; even if it's not now. :) 

~Oh first ever blog post yeah! V ^^ V ~



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hayhan #1
Fighting! You inspirit me
Very well said Zee! I agree with you 100%

You write because it makes you happy and even better when there're other people who enjoyed the world of fiction you created even though the number seems tiny but it doesn't matter. The fact that there ARE people that read and enjoyed your story is what counts.You shouldn't compared yourself to anyone, really.
Wow... that is what I needed. Thank you for sharing this and I will keep this in my mind whenever I feel like I want stop and give up on writing. Have been going through that phase for a while (got accused of plagiarism, which isn't true) until I found my drive to write again. :)
Very inspiring! Thank you so much for the wise words <3 Lately, I've been feeling that way tbh ._.
Everlotte #5
don't you dare give up, your masterpiece should be put out there somewhere and everyone would surely love it when they take a look at it and if they don't then they're missing out a lot! I'll admit that your story is better than mine coz you use stronger words than I do and I'm very envious abt that so don't give up!!! p.s see you at school tmr D:
this is called the power of will.
ButterflyShida #7
i feel like you too but it's okay.. i can do it!
Sometimes, I feel the same way as you do too but I also agree with what you've said. Fighting! Don't give up! I'll check out your story when I have the time ;)