The Strange and the Loud

   When she was a child she was told by her grandmother that every boy she meets could be her prince in shining armor, her future. Because of this she would be very loving and open with any boy she met, but many found her strange. She liked the little things that people generally didn't notice, the way the sun shined through the leaves on the trees, the way little creatures would intract with each other, or the way a house was made to look from the inside out. Now that she is grown she has come to realize that that was just a fairy tale and that the only way she will find her prince, her future was to find a man that found beauty in the same way as her. She didn't have much hope in this idea but it helped her when she felt lonely, giving her just enough hope that someone would find her great enough to love. 
   She loved coming to school and that alone made her different, but it wasn't because she got to sit in a class all day learning things that might matter in the future, no it was because to her her school was one of the beautiful places she has ever seen. Forest High was true to its name. It was a high school built in the middle of a forest at the base of a mountain range, it was also built around the forest, meaning that most of the buildings had trees that went through them. If she had the choice she would probably stay there for the whole day and just watch how the world changed around it. The way little creatures would come out of hiding to get food or make a nest while the students were away or the way the trees would change ever so slightly as the day went on.
   Most people found her strange for another reason as well, she was very easily annoyed. She didn't particularly like loud things or people who acted high and mighty and unfortunately for her she went to school with lots of very rich kids from very rich families. These families would send their children to Forest High to get a feel for nature so that they would be more level headed and down to earth and away from the unnecessary cruelties of the rich life or that's what they would say. In reality she thought that the families would do this as punishment, which also bothered her to no end. How could something so beautiful be used as a punishment? Maybe she was biased. Her grandfather had made the plans for this school and her father was finally able to build it to its amazing standard, but she didn't like they way the rest of the students ignored or even bashed the beauty, and over time that dislike became part of her. 
    Her family ran the school, her father the principle and her mother just about everything else. She helped in the background, always making sure that broken things were fixed and that the nature was not damaged. Reminding her mother or father of things that needed to be done to keep the school in working condition and to help the year run smoothly. It was the beginning of her sophomore year when she met him. She was doing the last check throughs of all the doom rooms to make sure no animals were living in them before the students moved in. She was half way done with the boys dooms when she heard some strange noises from the end of the hall. Thinking that it might be some animals she filled with delight and excitement and carefully moved down the hallway to the noise. As she turned to the last room she was not expecting to see what was inside. Her eyes as big as saucers and mouth dangling open she took in the scene before her, there was pillow fluff everywhere making it as if it had snowed, one bed was on its side and in the middle of the room, a wardrobe had now one door while the other was laying across the room. But really got her was the boy that was sitting infront of the messed up bed with a baby deer in his arms singing to it as it slept. 


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