My opinion. [Read and spread pls] edited...

[Just my opinion] 
To the EXO fans that were fighting/quarreling with the SONES outside SM Ent just now, I'll have to reward you with a sentence.
'You're a PABO.' 
I mean like SERIOUSLY?!? 
You guys got into a fight JUST because of a photo that is posted online? 
I mean I don't see WHAT is wrong with EXO performing with their seniors. 
Isn't it an honor to perform with your seniors? Why are you guys doing this? 
Do you know that in a poll we are deemed and voted as the worst fandom? Why bother fighting and giving those innocent fans a bad name? Just because your oppa was told to perform with their seniors and you can do that? That's absurd. Really. 
And I don't think you sasaeng (stalker/cray cray) fans know what is the meaning of the word, 'CONTRACT'. 
Because if you don't, I'll tell you what it means: 
'An agreement with specific terms between two or more persons or entities in which there is a promise to do something in return for a valuable benefit known as consideration. ' 
EXO signed a CONTRACT. That means even if the EXO members DON'T WANT TO perform with their seniors, they HAVE, NEED, MUST do it because THEY SIGNED A CONTRACT. Got that? 
And just to let you know, don't think that EXO is yours. They are not yours. Neither are they gods, stop worshipping them. Stop breaking into their dorms. Stop installing cameras into teddy bear eyes. Stop your fan wars. Just stop it. It's getting annoying. Really. They are idols. Not gods. They are HUMANS.  
And I can tell you that EXO is not happy of what you guys are doing or already did. It's never too late to turn back. 
Let me ask you guys a few questions...
Does stealing their underwear makes you famous? 
Does stalking them makes you famous?
Does creating fan wars makes you famous?
Does physically hitting your idols makes you famous? 
Does taking pictures of them in the plane makes you famous?
Does pushing and squeezing them in airports and injuring members (Kai, lay and Luhan incidents) makes you famous? 
You'll only gain unwanted attention.
So why are you guys doing this? I'm sad and angry for EXO you know. Really. 
Just stop it. EXO is tired of it. You guys are making them change their feelings and the way that they look at normal fans into something negative. 
So, stop it. 
And guys please start trending,
On FB, twitter, blah blah blah. Fight Sasaeng fans. 
Sorry for the long rant. If you've finished reading everything, you rock. Thanks. Please rebel off this and let other ppl know! SHARE!REBLOG!REPOST!^^
-Thekpopobsessor123, Sammi Yeo- 
Well Idols are humans so basically Fans should be treating them like humans not gods.Just because exo performed with their seniors, exo fans starts a fanwar with sones.Are they like stupid, fans should be proud of exo that they got a chance to perform with their seniors.It is be an honour for them to perform with their senior snsd.I mean what is wrong with performing with their seniors.If they(Sasaengs/Fans) were rookie idols and they got a chance to perform with one of their seniors wouldn't they feel happy and honoured.I sometimes wonder if Sasaengs actually have brains cause if they have why aren't they using it.I know it might be harsh but if this is what they need to wake up then i'll be glad to say/or type it a hundred times just for them to wake up and stop torturing thier idols.They claim they love thier idols but thier actions totally speaks a whole different story.If they love their idols, they should repect them by giving them their personal space and privacy and not breaking into thier dorm to steal their stuffs , leak their songs they work hard to record, installing cameras into teddy bears eyes and giving it to them, stalking them and squeezing them at airports or anywhere and cause them to get hurt.Won't They feel sad that their idols are hurt because of them.They should know that idols might feel uncomfortable from the squeezing at airports and tired from the lack if sleep.Idols would definitely feel tired after going fom country to country to perform so why not let them go off to rehearse for the concert so that they can rest and not delay their time.Fans can go fetch thems at airports but they should Know your limits so that you won't get hurt.Loving your idols doesn't mean stalking them or breaking into their dorm and steal their stuff or other stupid stuff they do but respecting them and their private life.There are many ways to show that you love your idols.Don't need to resort to dirty and low tricks to gain the idols attention

Please spread and credit usXX


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kriswu_is_hot #1
seriousy they got no life
I bet one time in our lives that we will see one or more EXO members yell at the SASAENGS fans .

I really hate how exo sasaengs ruin lots of fans repuatation actually the whole fandom, if this continues the exo members will think that the whole fandoms are sasaengs , and they prpbably wouldn't trust the other fans.
those people still can't get out of the denial stage. so pathetic.
im not an exofan. those sasaengs really make the fandom looks bad.
i didn't watch exo-snsd performance but people said it's not as touching and y whatsoever as VixxDay. i don't see the point in those immature fans to make a big deal out of it then.
GOD BLESS THIS POST <3 -thumbs up- (Y)
Sasaengs are just too much. I just can't stand it. The trend #Getwellsoon for exo members had been trending for multiple times because of sasaengs. I wish I can get rid of them!
sasaengs want to do those stuff because they want exo to remember them ;_;
IKR?! I was so dissapointed with exotics when they injured ma bb, Kai! ;_;
I love exo and sunbae peformances!!!!
I hate how our fandom has such a bad reputation. T.T
Contrary to popular belief the majority of us arent like that.
virteous #9
Honestly, I thought it was REALLY CUTE AND ADORABLE that EXO was performing with SNSD (: idk if its just me otl but i ship them omg.
Lady_eLement #10
Are you serious? Wow, I see nothing wrong with performing with their sunbaes. I dont understand how exo is so special to you guys; when shinee performed with SNSD, nothing happened! So why exo? It's not like they are the best sm artist there is, and really saesangs need to stop lol. I'm not even going to add the title of "fans" to them because saesangs are not fans, they are stalker/creeps/psychos that use their parents money to do whatever they can to get their idol to notice them. Speaking of the parents, WHERE ARE THEY? Lol what are the parents doing over there that mKe their children behave this way??? And what about the police? Hell if saesangs did their crap over in here in America, they would go to jail despite being a minor. I mean come on, I get that they are very likable and stuff but to "install cameras into teddy bear eyes" or "physically hit them"(omfg are you serious who in the world would hit their idols omfg crazy as ******) is just wrong. Dear god, I'm not even surprised to see that exo has the worst fandom. They hit/bash/curse other people for the heck of it(not saying all of this fandom, only the crazy saesangs) even when it comes to Exo's label mates. As a fan of exo myself, I really feel pathetic for these psychos.

Sorry for the long rant, this is just absolutely ridiculous.
cheery45 #11
From my list of thing ot people I never want to be, being and ezo member is that last thing on my list since the exotics are a goddam pain in the .
Geez making a big deal out of nothing!! Freaking Sasaeng fans are going mad now!! Making the whole thing act such like a big deal out of everything.... Shame is what they should feel......
I know I'm with you they put cameras and caught Tao showering humming a song and D.o us afraid of them he had to run back to his hotel room because they were there! I had enough with the stalker fans
It will attract unwanted attention and make them afraid of you.

I seriously hope that Sasaengs can stop with their acts and respect their idols like how they should be treated.And I sincerly thank the normal/mature fans who actually know how to love their idols properly.
Last but not least, thanks for loving and supporting exo.엑소오빠들 사랑해<3 파이팅!!