To be honest, I'm going to throw things.

So, I've complained about my English teacher more than I should. BUT. I have more. So, today I was just chillin' in class, reading like we were supposed to and my teacher takes my assignment away. Just grabs it right from under my arm. Apparently the kid next to me was copying my work. I asked for my paper back so I could finish and she smiled and said, "NO!" 

I was not the one copying work.... She actually should have taken his paper. Also, I wasn't aloud to finish my paper when she was going over it. Now, I have an assignment that is half done and I can't finish it at all. 


Also, my Algebra teacher got into a really bad accident yesterday. I normally don't care much for her, but she started crying in class while talking about it. I felt really bad. She flipped her car down a very large hill and it rolled all the way down. If no one saw, no one would have found her. A guy saw and said it was the most terrifying thing he's ever seen. She walked away with a really bad black eye, a bruise from her seatbelt and scrapes on the tops of her feet. If she didn't wear her seatbelt, she would have died.


Every one of my friends were not at lunch today with an exception of one. I don't really fit in with the people she hangs out with, so it was awkward. 


My day . On the bright side, I am getting ready to buy things online. I'm essited. 

Hope everyone's day was better~


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:( text me?
I had a farely good day...hah.not-.- I swear my English teacher must of trained with yours or something! I had an assignmet due in but i wasnt there the day it was given out and didnt get to start till a week after! And the lesson i got to start was the day everyone handed theirs oin! She took my not even half done assignment and was like 'everyone else is handing it in today-so you are too' but she let another girl who was off have another week!>_< I took it back at the end of the lesson and spent my day in the library writing it! Thank god she didn't check her books til the end of the day!&by then I had put it back!xD and I think I did quite well!
But your day sounds worse! Sometimes life can be a -but it seems like you must of walked under only ladders or something!xD