` 優雅さ • Yame : ρrincess Mei

username : BlackRose001
nickname :Andreia
activity : 4.5 - 5
face claim : Riho
gallery : gallery1| gallery2
back-up :Byeon Seo Eun
gallery :gallery1
너 자신 : — be yourself.
full name : Song Mei
nickname : MeiMei; Rose
date of birth : 20/03/1997
international age : 16
kingdom of origin :  yami
ethnicity : 3/4 chinese, 1/8 korean and 1/8 english
height - weight : 165cm/ 50kg
blood type : ab
languages : English, Korean, Mandarim
자랑 : — stand tall.
personality traits : Kind, sensitive, timid, mysterious
personality :
Mei is a really kind girl that loves to help everyone. She hates to see people sad and will do everything she can to make them happy. She loves to see people smiling and happy. She is really sensitive to people´s emotions and her own emotions. She can´t control her emotions very well and because of that she cries lots of times. Lots of people call her a crybaby because of crying a lot, but even if she doesn´t want to cry she cries, simply because her sense of feeling other poeple´s emotions make her very vulnerable. Mei is really timid and she can´t open up that easily to someone. It takes time and she is always trying to be alone with them. 
She is a hopeless romantic girl that is always dreaming about founding her prince. People laugh at her because of it but she doesn´t mind. 
Mei loves to dream even when she is awake. She loves to make movies in her own head and in the end write them in paper. She loves to invent stories of love. Her imagination is too wild that sometimes it scares everyone that knows her really well.
When she´s around boys she is a little shy. She doesn´t know how to talk with them very well and because of that she never speaks and will only say something if someone asks her.
Even tought she is a girly girl that loves romance, there´s this side of Mei that no one knows how to explain. Around her, exists this mysterious aura that it shouldn´t be around a girl that is so open like a book, but she has. No one knows how to explain that and maybe the only people that knows the awnser are herself and her sinbligs. It´s like something isn´t right even tought everything looks alright. It´s just too complicated to understand.
There´s this side when Mei is quiet and doesn´t show emotions at all. She looks likes a doll that doesn´t have emotions at all. This only happens when she´s hurted by the people she cares a lot and doesn´t know what to do.
She can be cold like ice if you dare hurt her family or people close to her.
Aside of this all, Mei can be stubborn too. If she has something in her mind, it doens´t matter what you say to her, she will always be the right one and no one wil
background :
Just like her name says, Mei is the youngest of the 4 siblings. She´s loved by her siblings even tought all of them show it from different ways. Mei always thought that romance was one of the best things in the world and she couldn´t wait to found her soulmate. Yeah...she is the type of girl that belives in destiny and fate. 
Since young Mei always found herself  loving the moon and the night. She always said that the night hold one oof the biggest secrets ever.
Since most of her sinblings have passion for music, for example her oldest sister, Mai, loves to sing and dance and  her brother, Yixing, loves to dance and play the paino, she found her self loving music and found out that loved to sing as well.
For her, her 3 singlings were her role models. All of them were so different but at the same time they had this bond that made the 4 of them inseparable. Mei found herself  feeling safe when she was around her sinblings.
Mei loves to write stories and maybe it´s because of that that she can write song´s lyrics very well. The 4 of them were the perfect sinbligs! Her brother would play the piano and if not necessary he would dance, Mai and Meizhen would sing and Mei would write the lyrics for the songs that Yixing would compose. 
Mei always found herself  thinking that there was something missing in her life.. She doesn´t know what it is, but she feels it and that´s why sometimes she feels empty inside, but tries to never show it.
In her 16 years of life, she never had a complicated life. She was always loved by her family and that was what it matters for her. There would be times that people would laugh at her because of  the romance stories she inventd for herself, but everyone respectd her and never treated her badly. Maybe only people that tought that she shouldn´t be like that were the only ones that hated her, but there weren´t that much.
Mei hides this side of her that is really cold. The reason is because of her really close friend Sora, betrayed her. Sora would lie to her and start rumors about her. She would say that Mei was a false person that in the back of everyone would laugh at them for being poor. 
When her sisters and brother found that, they protected Mei at all costs and would always be with her. Since then, when someone would hurt her she turned into a doll without emotions and it would take a while for her to turn back to normal.
style :
Mei likes to wear high heels the most. Always with lots of acessories. She hates to use skirts so she never wears them.She loves dresses and when they need to go toa meeting with the other kingdoms, she would always wear the dresses from the farytales that were long and beautiful. When she is in the castle, or simply walking outside, she would always wear confortable clothes, that at the same time were fashionable. She loves fashion and for her it´s a crime to not dress prettly. She doesn´t use the girliest clothes and doesn´t use the iest clothes. She wears clothes that are y and girly at the same time, making people curiou about her.
family :
mom — queen xiaojin ; 57 ; closeness 4-5 ; caring, belevolent, fragile
dad — king liwei; 59 ; closeness 4-5 ; strong, considerate, kind
sibling — princess Mai ; 20 ; closeness 5-5 ; personality: cold, distant, myterious, intimidating, quiet, indifferent, warmhearted, unpretentious, emotional, underactive, sentimental
sibling —princess meizhen ; 20 ; closeness 5-5 ;Sweet, jumpy, open
sibling — prince yixing ; 18 ; 5-5 ; quiet, reserved,  mature
friends : 
bestie — Hyori Kwon ; Yami ; 16 ; 5-5 ; talkative, funny, clumsy, dorky, stubborn, kind
friend — Nana Lee ; Yami ; 17 ; 4-5 ; caring, clumsy, warmhearted, inteligent, mysterious
rival — Sora Park ; kingdom ; 17 ; 0-5; arrogant, snoby, smart, manipulative, liar
사닐 : — tell me.
likes : 
  • the moon
  • the night and the darkness
  • the water (lakes, oceas, rivers, seas)
  • the wind
  • capuccino
  • white chocolate
  • strawberries
  • lemon ice cream and coconut ice cream
  • sweets
  • music
  • heels
  • fashion
  • romantic stories
  • technology
  • paints and art
dislikes :
  • watermelon
  • dark chocolate
  • spiders and insects
  • lies
  • bullies
  • arrogant and snoby people
  • really hot days 
habits : 
  • bitting her bottom lip when she´s nervous
  • being all alone and avoid everyone when she´s sad
  • start drawing when she is bored
  • without noticing, shewistles´s in the "S"´s.
peeves : 
  • hates when people judge her smartness because for being the younguest
  • Hates when people call her shortie.
hobbies : 
  • walking at night time to watch the moon
  • singing when she´s alone
  • drawing
  • hearing her older sister, Mai, singing
  • hearing her olderbrother, yixing, playing the piano and watch him dancing
  • being on the computer
  • baking
fears : 
  • storms
  • scary movies
  • ghost stories
trivia : as many as you like, nothing too overboard!
공주 : — your ruler.
princess name : Rose
kingdom : yami
plotline : The hopeless Romantic
how would you treat your subjects?
Mei will always trear her subjects with respect and she never abashes anyone.  She likes to respect the elders even if they aren´t royality. 
what element do you control? 
Unnatural ones
which would you prefer - your kingdom or your love interest? explain why, answer truthfully.
Love intrest, because Mei knows that he is her soulmateand she loves him deeply. She knows that her older sister and brothers would take care of the kingdom much better than her.
what do your subjects think of you?
Her subjects don´t understand her very well. She treats them like they were her family and sometimes it scares them because them king and the queen may get angry byMei actions, but at the same time, they respect her and even tought they know how hopeless she is when it comes to love, they can´t stop adoring her
키스 : — my love.
love interest : Kai
back-up : Luhan
kingdom : Yami (because his power is teleport)
age : 18
relationship : strangers
personality :
Kai is like the hot boys that exist all around the world: caring to every single girl, making them fall hard for him but in the end he breaks the girls heart.
Even tought he is likes that, when it comes to his family and friends he is really caring, over-portective, funny, a little ert, kind and warmhearted.
He is a loyal friend that will never betray anyone that is precious to him. He will do anything for his friends and family.
When it comes to girls, he tends to be a flirt that likes to have every single girl fall in love for him.
interactions :
Kai founds Mei an interesting girl since she didn´t fall for his charms just like every other girl falls. He was curious about her. He couldn´t understand her. She was a open book, but at the same time she wasn´t. He couldn´t understand her at all. He wanted to know every single thing about her.
Mei, didn´t know what to do with herself. She couldn´t understand her feelings when she was close to Kai. She was confused.
Both of them try to be close to each other, but at the same time they try to not show their  real intentions and emotions.
how they will meet :
Mei meet Kai when he came to her family´s castle. She found out that he was Lay´s friend. She greeted him with a warming smile, but then she had to go away because she had lessons to attend.
They meet once again, at the same day, at night time, when Mei was walking alone at night in the royal garden. They stayed there for some time, both quiet, without saying anything at all. They were simply enjoying seeing the moon and feeling the wind. In the end, Kai teleported Mei to her room and then teleperted himself to his own castle.
미움 : — good riddance.
questions :none at all
suggestions : Maybe, when Kai and Mei don´t know each other very well, Mei sees Kai flirting with Sora and she feels hurted inside. For some times she acts cold towards Kai, Kai feels guilty and apologies at Mei
comments : Hi there ^^ I just wanted to say that english isn´t my first language so there might be some mistakes. Sorry about that.>.< Hope I can be chosen ^^ Fighting :D
anything else? Love yaa <3
password : Panther


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