
i hate it when the actor's or whatever the hell is on your screen isn't moving and the music is going and you don't know whether the your video is working or it's lagging and you keep clicking and the pause is delayed and you panic and it's just terrible and you have to reload the whole video again and you're an idiot and you don't know where you were in the video and it's such a long video and you have to keep clicking through the bar to see where you were and it takes forever because the lil thingy magigy isn't loading so you have to wait for it to load to see if you are at the right place and the whole thing takes like 30 seconds but feels like forever and you're wasting your life trying to watch a video that your bias is in but it's not loading so you aren't watching your bias the way you want to but come on you probably wanna watch your bias in person don't you?

lolol here's something for you


roses are red

my binoculars are blue

your curtains are open

and i'm watching you


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