Boys Over Friends (Reaction)

Yesterday I wrote a post about an American version of Boys Over Flowers. What little did I know, the first episode was already out. Someone gave me the link and I watched it.

I was already disappointed when I saw the cast but watching it changed my opinion from disappointed to apathetic I had hope for it and respect at least a little. And that little bit was gone after the first couple minutes.

1. There were a lot of falters in this series starting with the theme song. It was too serious. It looked more like gossip girl or the typical TV show about wealthy Californians.

2. More importantly, I didn't like the filming. The beginning shots of the Hollywood sign and the school were so professional but after that it went down hill. You could hear the static-like noise (I don't know what you call it) in the back ground. That it how you know the camera work was done poorly and cheaply. It wasn't the best of quality either. It looked like a Youtube video or web series instead of an official show. Very amatuer.

3. The Acting was amatuer too. The leading girl couldn't portray the right emotions and those guy looked more stiff than beautiful. Plus they didn't have uniforms which irritated me. There are some schools (especially private) who wear uniforms.

I could go on and list serveral things wrong with Boys Over Friends (cast, filming, the dancing, acting, all the asians, the bullying) but what I will say, everyone else has said already.

The bottom-line is that this was pathetic. Pure trash. I don't even think they took any of the Asian versions into consideration and did what they wanted to do. And they ruined it. People all over the world knows Boys Over Flower. If they would've did it right it could've been ground breaking. Gone in the record books for America! But they didn't so it right...

Maybe a better director will take Hana Kimi and turn that into America's best show on TV~ If Korea can pull it off then maybe America can. Or any Western country for that matter

I hope an English version or Canadian version is made so the entire West won't look ignorant.

Here's the link:

Beware of the horror :/



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