I'm 96love

Hello Everyone!

This is 96 love and i'm here to tell you guys a little bit about myself. First of all, I'm new here so please treat me well. I didn't start writing imagines until i posted a flyer on instagram saying "The first to comment their bias will recieve an imagine" and boom! i wrote one about Minhyun from NU'EST and i had fun with that imagine since I'm a LO/\E. Honestly that's the first imagine i've written solo. on Instagram, there are three admins and i, admin G-hope, normally writes the imagines while the others do their special skill. I have fun writing things because they're my own imagines that i wanna bring to life and this is as close to life as it could get. I wish they could turn into movies sometimes haha. But anyway, I'm still trying to get used to this site, so far i've been uploading stories i've already written on instagram. There are a few others i just need to find the time to uplad them.

Secondly, how i made this came from request from one of my followers. I took a took a toll and most said yes. I gave this a shot and well it's developing slowly. Better than not at all haha.  

So far i uploaded the Jungkook and V imagine. IN the description for the V imagine i have mentioned that it was the most favorite imagine by my followers. I really do hope it's one of your favorites too. Please help and support 96love. Thank you ^^ ~

~ G-hope


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